forty; truth

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"Of course, she was sad, but now she's glad she dodged a bullet. Took a few years to soak up the tears, but look at her now."

. . .

I get up from bed and take a pair of fresh clothes before hopping into the shower. Being in the shower feels better, it feels like the water is washing away the dream I had.

I put the sundress on that I chose for today and exit my room at the same time Nicholas exits his.

He rakes a hand through his hair and types something on his phone, before heading downstairs and yelling that he's out.

I shake my head and go downstairs as well, seeing mom and dad in the kitchen.

"I'm leaving," dad says and grabs his keys.

"What do you mean you're leaving? Chris is coming!" she tells him.

"It's a sale at Armani!" he fires back.

"Vincenzo," mom groans and shakes her head. "I need to go, mia cara," he says and kisses her before turning around and quickly greeting me, hugging me before leaving.

"Your dad is unbelievable," mom says as soon as he's gone. I chuckle. "Tell me about it."

Not being hungry, I pour myself a cup of tea and take a seat at the counter, watching mom walk around the kitchen and prepare some snacks.

"Chris is coming?" I ask her. She nods. "Yeah," she smiles, "he's bringing all the gossip. Lucy is coming over in the afternoon."

She cuts up all types of fruit and sets them on a plate. She then makes some lemon-juice and by the time she's finished, the doorbell rings and mom orders me to place everything outside.

I do as she says and put everything outside on a tray, arranging the pillows on the seats outside and making sure there's enough shadow in this heat.

"Aurora! My baby!" I suddenly hear Chris say. I turn around with a smile and see the man approaching me with a smile, before engulfing me in a hug.

"Hi Chris," I grin and hug him back enjoying his presence.

He has always been the reason to party or why everyone is so happy. I love his energy and he's good at giving advice.

"How are you, darling?" he asks.


My smile dies a bit on my lips, but I manage to bring it back on time. "I'm peachy," I grin. "How are you?" I ask.

"I'm good. Busy keeping my man satisfied," he winks. I chuckle. Same, Chris. Only if you knew.

"I love your husband. You're both way too handsome," I say with a shake of my head. "I agree," mom says and takes a seat next to me, putting her sunglasses on.

"How's dear old Vincenzo?" Chris asks. "Don't call him old!" mom scoffs and pours herself some juice.

"But he's good. He's off to Armani," she says with a roll of her eyes. "Of course, he is," Chris laughs.

"Where's your mini-version?" Chris asks mom, referring to Elena.

It used to bother me how Elena almost is a replica of my mother, their features are so alike. I wanted to look like my mother as well since I admired her so much, but then I've grown to appreciate my features.

The mix between both mom and dad. I sometimes wish I had mom's green eyes, but then again, I like my honey-colored ones as well.

While Nicholas could basically be dad's twin, though he has some of mom's traits as well, like his greenish eyes with hints of brown in them. Or his dimples.

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