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(This is when Riccardo and Aurora first met. Don't lose your shit)


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"Yeah, I'll make sure to get you something," I chuckle into the phone when Carla asked me if I bought her something.

"You better, it's been a while since you gifted me something," she whines. "Oh please, like you don't get showered with gifts by your other friends," I reply and get into my car, pulling out of the parking lot of my hotel.

"It's different when it comes from you," she says and I can hear the grin in her voice. "Alright, I got to let you go. I'm driving," I tell her.

We hang up and I throw my phone on the passenger's seat, focusing on the road in front of me.

Vincenzo is waiting for me at his house, along with his daughter whom he requested I tutor. I usually assign someone else to do that for me, someone I know that's a good lawyer who could help her.

But Vincenzo is a good friend of mine and has been one of my first clients, one of the first ones to believe in me and support me.

So, I offered to do it myself. I don't mind helping her with something that has been a passion of mine.

I've never seen or met the girl in question, but being Vincenzo and Athena's daughter, I think I can expect a fiery and determined girl to be waiting for me.

Pulling up to their mansion, I get out of my car and lock it, before ascending the staircase that leads up to their front door.

Vincenzo is the one to open the door. It's been a long time since I last saw him, and a genuine smile finds its way to my lips.

"Riccardo! So good to see you," he smiles and hugs me. "Good to see you as well, Vince," I reply once we let go of each other.

"Early, like always," he chuckles. "What did you expect?" I ask and my eyes move to someone behind him. Athena stands there with a smile.

"Riccardo, it's been so long!" she exclaims and hugs me as well. "I know, how have you two been?" I ask.

"We've been good! Thank you so much for–"


Vincenzo turns his head to the source of the soft voice coming from down the hallway, and I move my eyes up.

Both Athena and Vincenzo are stunning people, and I can't believe that I didn't do the math in my head, since I didn't expect such a beautiful young woman to stand in front of me.

Curious hazel-brown eyes find mine.

She has a natural and soft glow to her. Her figure is on the taller side and lean. She has lips Carla would be envious of, and the soft freckles across her nose give her face a youthful glow.

She's wearing a basic white shirt, that fits snugly around her curves along with a pair of shorts, exposing her long legs.

Her shiny brown hair cascades down her back in beautiful waves.

"Riccardo, this is my daughter; Aurora," Vincenzo introduces us.


The name of a princess. It suits her perfectly.

Aurora walks over to me and extends her hand, a friendly smile on her face.

"Pleasure to meet you," I tell her with a little smile. "Pleasure is mine," she replies smoothly right when my hand envelops her.

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