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"They're not here, Harry." Zayn's voice sounded urgent as Harry quickly stalked into the mansion. Regretting allowing Zayn to head to the location alone. 

"What do you mean?" Harry shook his head, "His implant said he was there."

"I can smell them but they're not here." The alpha could hear his third's voice sounding more panicked than ever.

"What about the captors?" Harry asked, "What did they say?"

"They're dead."

"Dead?" Harry asked even though he knew the answer, having firsthand experience with Zayn's capacity for violence.

"I killed them." Zayn gritted out but his next words were lost on Harry, as he stopped dead in his tracks. Before him stood Jay, hands on her hips and a scowl on her face.

"Can you call Liam?" Harry interrupted Zayn's words and quickly hung up his end, "Jay, I didn't know you were coming." Harry tried to play it cool; he wasn't sure how much the woman knew.

"Did you really think you could activate Niall's implant and Bobby wouldn't find out?" Jay asked, tilting her head and squinting her eyes angrily, "That he wouldn't come running?"

Harry lifted his nose into the air and looked towards what was now his and Edward's home office, "Is he here?"

"Yes." Jay shook her head, "Did you think I wouldn't find out?"

"About Niall?" Harry winced, clearly avoiding the true meaning of her words.

"Harry Styles, do you take me as an idiot? How long has he been here?"

"A month." Harry nodded, "Less than two for sure. Look, I was going to tell you but then things got complicated."

"Complicated?" Jay was on the wrong side of livid, "I swear to God, Harry. I forgave you for scaring him away all those years back because I could see that you changed, and you were truly sorry, but this is not ok."

"I'm sorry, Jay." Harry took a step towards the furious beta, but she just shook her head angrily taking a step back, "I should have called but I didn't want him to feel obligated to stay."

"I want him to feel OBLIGATED!" Jay yelled, "I want him back!"

Harry nodded, checking his watch and realizing the girls would be home soon, "I know but there's something I need to tell you and it's kind of time sensitive."

"Time sensitive?" Jay laughed without any humor, "Now, I need to know what you think would be more time sensitive than telling me my son was out of hiding?"


"GRAMMY!" Lou's voice rang out across the great entryway just moments after the front door swung open. Jay schooled her expression before turning around and crouching down to greet Lou.

"Hello, princess!" Jay smiled easily, not even noticing the other little girl making her way to Harry's side.

"I thought you weren't coming here until thanksgiving?" Lou asked, and Jay finally noticed Jo, standing close to Harry's side in her set of pigtail braids and khaki school skirt.

"Did I surprise you?" Jay tapped Lou on the nose and the little girl giggled and nodded, their attention drawn to Harry pulling Jo into his side.

"How was your first day of school, honey?" Jo looked nervous but Harry smiled encouragingly.

"It was ok." Jo bit her lip, "Harder than my last school but Lou helped me out."

"That's very good." Harry nodded, glad he pulled some strings and got her placed in Lou's class. Well, more strings seeing as the elementary school rarely made exceptions on mid-year acceptances. A well-placed donation will get you a lot in this area.

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