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When Harry bursts through the door twenty minutes later after calling his brother six times and Louis another five, he's a little more than aggravated. His canines grind together as he takes the back stairs to the second-floor office, and he growls when he whips the door to Edward's office open.

"I called you six times." Harry can barely contain his frustration when he finds his twin sitting behind his desk seemingly waiting for him, apathetic as ever, "One of the bartenders called me saying Louis was here and needed help?"

"He was drugged at the bar." Edward can't help but look his brother over with disgust. Harry finally noticed Louis, so small draped in Edward's sweatshirt, lying on the couch. He made his way to the omega to check him over when Edward stood, "Do. Not. Touch. Him."

Harry froze at the alpha command in his twin's voice, not because he was biologically wired to listen like omegas. He paused because Edward didn't talk to him like that.

So, finally after being in the room for a full sixty seconds he realized Ed was mad at him. The twins didn't get mad at each other. It had always been them against the world, but Edward had fire burning in his eyes, that Harry had never seen aimed at him before.

"Why?" Harry asked stepping closer to the omega. Lightning fast, Edward was across the room and pining Harry to the wall, a firm forearm pressed into his mirror's neck.

"You slept with him." Edward growled.

"I-i-i..." Harry was thrown off balance. He licked his lips and tried to push his twin off but was only able to gain a little distance which Edward quickly closed. Slamming his counterpart against the wall with a dull thud. The two were equally matched in strength and intimately knew each other's weaknesses.

Harry knew that Edward would inevitably find out, but he didn't realize it'd be so soon.

"Shut up." Edward snarled pressing in deeper not fully cutting off Harry's air flow but making it harder to breathe, "Ok, so you slept with him. He's an attractive omega. He's a good omega. I get it. I can forgive that."

Harry looked shocked, suddenly loosening his grip on Edward's arm and slumping against the wall. The alpha didn't realize how much the lying and sneaking around had weighed on him, "I'm sorry."

"No." Edward looked furious his previous words didn't match his actions.

"I thought you said you forgive me?" Harry was so genuinely confused, his voice trembled, for Edward's eyes only.

"I can forgive the cheating and the lying, Harry." Edward's lip quaked as he struggled to hold back tears of anger and sadness, tears of betrayal, "But you fucking hurt him?"

Harry's eyes widened and he shook his head, "No, Ed I swear..."

"Don't fucking lie to me." Edward roared and brought his fist back with force and determination. His punch landed hard and quick, leaving Harry's head whipped to the side and his lip bleeding, "I saw the fucking bruises, you bastard."

"Please, Edward." Harry struggled to get out of Edward's hold succeeding in making space between them. Edward stalked Harry across the room. Each step he made forward Harry took back, a terrible game of cat and mouse, "Edward. He provoked me."

"Oh right." Edward snarled, "He was asking for it? The same way I was asking for dad to hit me? To whip me?"

"This is nothing like that, Edward." Harry tried to reason but his twin didn't respond to it. Instead closing the distance between himself and Harry. The two wrestle to the floor, landing hard and twisting back and forward until Edward obtained the upper hand again.

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