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"What if she doesn't want siblings?" Louis whispered, despite himself and Edward being completely alone on the penthouse balcony

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"What if she doesn't want siblings?" Louis whispered, despite himself and Edward being completely alone on the penthouse balcony.

"Why wouldn't she want siblings?" Edward came to stand behind Louis at the railing, his arm wrapped tight around his waist, his chest firm against Louis' back.

"It was always just me and her." Louis sounded almost sorrowful.

"Hmm," Edward hummed against the shell of Louis' ear, "And now its you both and us. Families get bigger and I think she knows that."

"But what about..."

Edward cut Louis' words off twisting him around, so they were now chest to chest, "But nothing, sweetheart. You're over thinking this."

As if on cue the elevator rang out announcing Harry and Jo's arrival. Louis kept his eyes on Edward for a few moments longer before nodding and slipping out of the alpha's hold. Once back into the warmth of the penthouse Jo yelled, "Mumma! Look at my dress!"

"Oh, don't you look beautiful!" Louis whispered, eyeing the fancy dress Harry had picked out earlier today, "Did Daddy get that for you?"

"Uh huh!" She giggled, looking up to Harry conspiratorially. The omega only had a moment to glance between the two before the personal chef announced dinner was ready. This was their first real nuclear family dinner. Just the twins, Louis, and Jo sitting around a smallish square table.

The family individually dressed for a much more extravagant affair, a stark contrast to the quesadilla Jo had on her plate. Despite all of Elouise's wishful thinking Jo still didn't have the palate for finer things.

Louis was surprised Jo didn't have a million question about why we were eating here instead of at the mansion with Lou's family. Looking wearily to Harry he tried to communicate his concern that the alpha already went ahead and spilt the beans. But Harry was already shaking his head no at Jo.

"How was your day with Daddy and Papa, love?" Louis asked, Jo's head whipping up to look at her mom.

"It was fun." Jo whispered, "Papa had to leave early but I got this dress and we went to that restaurant I like. But mumma daddy said..."

"Joey." Harry chided, his voice holding nothing but endearment for the little girl.

"Sorry daddy but I wanna know!" Jo could barely keep her excitement in, "Mumma! Daddy said you have something for me?"

"Oh, did he?" Louis whispered, tilting his head towards Jo but making happy eyes at Harry, "Did he tell you what?"


"And you thought I'd break first." Edward chuckled.

"Papa! You know too!" Jo's mouth dropped in shock, "Everyone knows but me!"

"Little love," Edward hushed her confusion, "It's a gift from all of us."

"Ok, but what is it?" Jo whined.

So, Louis nodded to Edward who pulled a small blue box from his pocket, placing it on the table in front of Jo. Her eyes were big like saucers as she stared at the box. Gaze jumping to Harry, "For me?"

"Yeah, for you, baby girl." Harry nodded for her to pick it up. With clumsy little fingers she undid the ribbon on the box and opened it to find a small silver ring with an oval shaped flattened edge. Her head cocked as she took in the ring, looking to her mom.

"What is it?"

"It's a ring for you." Louis smiled, holding out his hand with a matching band, "Me and your Daddy and Papa all have one too."

"We all have one?" She smiled, her lip wobbling, "Because we're family?"

"Yes, baby." Louis smiled, nervously pulling two more boxes from his pocket and placing them on the table. Jo looked at them confused, before opening them both to find the same ring in each.

"I don't get it." She asked, eyes jumping between her parents, "Why are there two more?"

"These two are for you to protect until your siblings are old enough to wear them themselves." Edward explained and Jo just shook her head and laughed.

"Papa, I don't have any siblings."

The omega took Jo's little hand in his, "You're going to, Jo."

"Siblings?" Her face was unreadable for all of fifteen seconds before she broke into a huge smile, "I get siblings? Two? Because there's two rings."

"Yeah, sweetheart." Louis nodded, and Jo jumped up from her chair into Louis' lap.

"Thank you, mumma!" She was almost in tears, "I'll love them so much and I'll protect them. Two babies? Does that mean twins? Like Daddy and Papa? I get two siblings?"

"Yes." Harry grinned, watching his daughter and mate in delight.

"Wow!" She looked down to the ring in the box, "I'm so excited! When are they coming? Are they in your tummy right now, mumma?"

"Yeah, baby." Louis brushed her hair out of his eyes, "They'll be here in a few months."

Her eyes tracked back to the box in her hands, "Papa, what's this thing on the ring?" She asked, pulling it from the box and putting it on a random finger.

"That, little love," Edward began, "Is your family crest. It's defined our people for generations and it's yours to wear proudly. For you to make sure your little siblings get."

"My family?" She whispered, nodding with serious eyes, "My little siblings and all of us. We'll all have them?"

"Uh huh." Harry continued, grabbing her hand softly, "And if you would like than we'd like to go ahead and get your last name changed so we all have the same one. You'll be a Styles, like me and Papa."

Jo nibbled on her lip, turning in her mother's lap, "What about mumma? He's not a Styles."

"That's ok, baby girl." Louis smiled softly at his ever-thoughtful little girl, "I think this is a good thing."

The twins exchanged a look and then Jo whispered, "Can I do it know, Daddy?"

"Yeah, Joey, go ahead." Harry smiled sweetly, watching Jo dig out something from a secret pocket within her dress. Louis didn't know what was going on, this wasn't part of the plan. So, when Jo finally got what she was looking for triumphantly holding up what could only be a ring box.

Louis eyed the twins questioningly but with his arms still wrapped around Jo opened the box. Looking over his little girl's shoulder, his gasped as he took in a engagement ring. Heavy with a clean-cut diamond stone, wrapped in intricate bands of silver, the ring stared Louis' down like a ton of bricks.

"Do you like it, mumma?" Jo whispered, turning in her mother's lap pressing the ring into his hand, "Daddy and Papa and I picked it out!"

Louis' lip wobbled as he nodded, glancing over to the twins, Edward standing slowly, "We all decided we want to be a real family. We want a mating ceremony."

Harry agreed, "Louis will you give us the utmost honor of being our mate?"

Louis felt tears run down his face, Jo's little hands wiping away his tears, "Mumma! Don't cry!"

"Happy tears, baby girl." He whispered, standing and lifting her while taking the twins into an embrace, "Only happy tears."

And standing there, face buried in between Harry and Edward's shoulder, Jo snug between them, Louis felt whole. Like nothing could take them down, like nothing could break them apart. They were family after all.


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