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Louis was never outgoing like some of his peers and when he went from the public middle school to an elite private high school his introverted nature just grew worse. Exeter Academy was one of the top choices for the children of diplomats, celebrities, and the mega wealthy.

At 'The Academy',as most called it, just outside of New York City there were two types of students: scholarship and non-scholarship. It didn't matter if your scholarship was for athletics, academics, or genuine poverty. If you were a scholarship student, the non-scholarship students could sniff you out and make it clear you were less than them. God forbid one of the scholarship kids attempted to rise in the ranks, they'd quickly get slapped down by the hand of God.

Louis was grateful for his scholarship—supplied to children of teachers, grateful because he knew he didn't really possess any particular skill to warrant an actual scholarship. His mother was a beloved English teacher to sophomores and select seniors, so his position in the school's social ladder was low but fairly secure.

The omega's soft spoken and slightly nervous temperament allowed him to slip in and out of school each day without drawing the attention of the elite. He didn't want to be popular and was more than happy getting by on the outskirts. He was happy with his many scholarship student acquaintances and his one or two best friends. Many of these students, like himself, were adorned in faded uniform blazers and scuffed shoes. Louis considered himself lucky to even have the chance to go to a school that cost more than some four-year universities, and he never really envied those in the upper echelon.

A passing hand ruffled his hair on his walk to his locker, his best friend Stan asking on his way by, "Hey Louis don't forget to text me the answers to that physics take home quiz!"

Louis nodded easily, "Yeah, no worries."

An easy smile made itself a home on Louis' face, this sunny day in September. Once in front of his locker he dug out his agenda to find the books he should bring home for the weekend. Oblivious to the world around him.

His locker closed with a weak swing and he looked up quickly to find the source. Louis' gaze met with the form of Niall Horan leaning against his locker and the one adjacent. Niall was looking him over appraisingly, sharp eyes picking up the frayed tear in Louis' blazer pocket and the tiredness under his eyes.

Niall was one of the non-scholarship students, so obvious by his perfectly manicured uniform and thousand-dollar shoes.

"Louis Tomlinson?" Niall asked and Louis was shocked to hear his name on the tip of the other boy's tongue. Looking around to see if there was another Louis Tomlinson behind him before he finally brought his eyes back to Niall, wearily nodding, "Hi, I'm Niall."

Niall reached his hand across the distance between them and Louis looked dumbly between the hand and Niall's face. Niall was not only a sixty grand a year paying student, but he was one of the most popular kids in the school. As a senior he held the best spot in the parking lot, which he rarely used because he usually had his handsome alpha boyfriend drop him off. When he did use it, though, he was driving one of his father's fancy and brightly colored cars.

He flaunted his wealth and flagrant control of the student body often and with great flare.

Nearly four years ago, he had just found his locker on his first day of school at The Academy when he saw Niall get jostled by a passerby. He witnessed the omega in front of him turn from laughing and carefree to homicidal in less than a second flat. Louis to this day had no idea what he whispered menacingly to the beta, but the other boy stuttered an apology and scurried away. Later he saw that same beta in one of his classes with a black eye and busted lip. Louis knew after that interaction he'd have to avoid the scary omega at all costs.

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