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Before Niall could get another word out the door to that terrible, awful room opened. Louis didn't need any of his senses to tell him that Harry was standing there, because he just simply knew.

It was as if the past eight years hadn't dulled his body's reaction in the slightest, his palms began to sweat, and his pulse thudded, raced. Louis looked past Niall, losing his breath, as he drank in the alpha before him. Now thirty-three, Harry had lost any trace of youth, his face was sharper but not an ounce less beautiful. Louis pondered for a second that he might be even more attractive now than the last time he saw him.

The omega couldn't bare the weight of Harry's soft green eyes, seemingly not angry at first, just in awe. His full pink lips parted when he found Louis on the floor, and he stopped breathing all together. Niall's handsome young mate was out of his depth as he looked between the squirming omega and his boss.

Zayn had heard bits and pieces of the family lore and so many untouched stories revolved around this omega right here. Now watching the pair look one another over and he saw the tension and the spark that must have kept Harry searching all this time. Eight years after less than six months together was a long time, but he could see why now.

Louis reasoned that Harry must have come from the office because he had a well-tailored blue suit and expensive leather shoes on. His hair was shorter now but still held those distinctive curls. His heart instantly hurting for his little girl who went to bed last night without her mumma. His little girl with those some dark brown curls and soft green eyes.

"Get out." Harry's voice was deeper than Louis remembered but held a command with great comfort. His tone sat heavy in Louis' gut and grew a deliciously traitorous warmth inside his chest.

His mind traveled back to all those unconscious wet dreams surrounding those some pink lips whispering filthy things into his ears. How often had he woken panting and hard? How those dreams didn't even come close to the real thing.

Niall looked over Louis one last time before turning on his heel and leaving him alone. Louis wanted to say he wasn't scared, but he was. He knew that this wasn't fear of death that made his pulse race but rather fear that his life would be prolonged inside this mansion. How long will it take this handsome man to break Louis, again?

When he was seventeen it only took one night.

But he wasn't that nervous seventeen-year-old anymore. He panicked thinking about how long he would be forced to live without a piece of his heart? He'd rather be dead than let them get his daughter, but he wouldn't live without her. The only thing that settled his nerves was the fact that the best people were watching her, were keeping her safe.

The vogue model, Niall's mate, joined Harry's side, "Are you sure you don't want back up?"

Harry shook his head eyes leaving Louis for the first time since he stepped into the room, "Take the cuffs off and then get out."

The Harry he first met was charismatic and boyishly adorable, with dimples and an easy smile. He could charm a room with the flick of his eyes. This Harry in front of him was colder, but not severe rather just closed off. More like Edward.

Zayn nodded and went to take the cuffs off. Louis immediately moved to massage the blood flow back into his wrists. Tall, dark, and handsome threw the almost unrecognizable omega one last look before taking his leave as well.

Zayn had seen pictures of Louis but the omega in front of him looked so monumentally different. He had a scruffy beard, and his clothes were oversized and ill fitting, not at all like the soft omega he'd seen so many pictures of. Not at all like the omega he'd heard Niall whine about, the few times he let himself be vulnerable.

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