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"How the fuck did you get up here?" A man with too tight skinny jeans and straight black hair grabbed Louis' upper arm painfully, preventing any chance Louis had at leaving.

Louis desperately tried to sober up, but he just couldn't, "I uhh was in the bathroom."

The hand gripped him even tighter and pushed Louis to his knees pressing the barrel of the gun into Louis' forehead, "Well that will be the last mistake you ever make."

Thick tears began to build and stream down Louis' face. Was he about to die?

Before Louis could think to pray or beg the man paused and his head jerked up to the newest presence to grace the small utility closet. Louis was shivering and numb to the talking going on around him, so he missed the first voice but heard his assailant respond, "This dumbass just walked in on us. What are we supposed to do?"

"Well, this dumbass is Bobby's stepson, so I'd put the fucking gun down." That was Niall's voice and Louis was quick to respond by dropping back onto his butt and looking over his shoulder.

Niall looked ferocious more so than when he made John kiss his shoe or when he threatened to ruin Louis' life. It was a small comfort to know that it wasn't aimed at him.

Louis scooted back making room between the man with a gun and himself. When his back met Niall's feet, he turned his cheek into the other omega's knee, wiping his tears and snot. He peaked up at the omega and Liam, thanking any form of God that they came when they did.

"Hey, little brother." Niall crouched to Louis' height, brushing his bangs out of his face, and wiping stray tears from his eyes searching for any harm, only finding trembling lips and terrified eyes. Louis could hear Liam bitching the two men out about locking the fucking door and not pulling a gun on a family member, but still Louis was so confused.

"Why don't we go, huh?" Niall said pulling the omega to his feet and dragging him from the room, leaving Liam behind. When they got back to the office Niall pushed Louis against the desk and instructed him to sit on the edge. He saw Niall pacing in front of him and speaking a mixture of Irish and English at such high speeds Louis couldn't comprehend.

Louis thoughts ground to a halt and he couldn't even process the room around him and the voice he knew he was hearing. But one thing filtered through the mist, Detective Jane Rizzoli.

She was right.

Bobby Horan and the whole Horan clan must be up to something maybe he should call her? They had fooled him with their emotional stories and charismatic looks.

His thoughts were suddenly interrupted by cool hands on his heated face and soft lips against his ear. Sound finally broke through, in the form of Niall whispering, "...please look at me, Lou."

"Ni?" Louis asked confused as to how he now found himself huddled into Niall's lap straddling his thighs with his face tucked into the other omega's neck on the office floor, "What's going on?"

"I think you almost dropped, Lou." Niall's hands were petting through his hair and his eyes looked almost grey with tears of fear, attempting to remain unshed.

Louis instantly lifted a hand to Niall's cheek, "Why're you crying?"

"I'm not crying." Niall sniffled and wiped under his nose while a single tear traced its way down the pale omega's face. Louis thumbed over Niall's cheek, "You scared me, Lou. Harry called saying you were in trouble and then I walked in on that fucker had a gun on you and I-I-I can't lose you."

"You won't lose me, Niall." Louis landed a gentle kiss on Niall's cheek, "But Niall I don't understand. Why were there so many drugs in that room? What's going on?"

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