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The next day Louis stayed in bed because that was the only room that his body guard didn't follow him into. Harry made it clear the room was off limits so Louis could have alone time. But after spending a month in captivity, he was bored out of his mind, he couldn't even pass the time watching TV because Harry heard that having a TV in the bedroom was bad for sleep and relationships.

Harry didn't trust him with a phone yet so he was literally just starring at the ceiling, when Louis heard the door crack open at just past eleven in the morning. He quickly sat up hoping Paul wasn't going to tell him to go get food or something.

"You got past the prison guard?" Louis joked.

"He's a body guard." Niall crossed his arm, he didn't have any time for Louis' jokes. He stared Louis down from his spot in the middle of the floor.

"What's up?" Louis asked, not wanting to move from the bed but also feeling really small under Niall's gaze.

"Lou and I had a long talk last night." Niall started, "About her behavior."

"Oh." Louis nodded, Niall knew how he felt about it.

Niall just sighed again and moved to sit on the bed, his head ducked, "She said she wishes you were her mom, not me."

"That's just because she doesn't know me yet."

Niall's lip wobbled and he sniffled angrily, "You're so fucking perfect, you piece of shit."

"Niall..." Louis doesn't know whether that was an insult or a compliment.

"Even my fucking daughter likes you more." Louis moved tentatively across the bed until he was right before the sad omega.

"Can I hug you?" Louis asked his voice small, the other omega looked caught between fuming and depressed. Before Louis could even blink Niall tackled him to Harry's bed and pinned him underneath him, "Niall..."

Louis didn't have it in him to fight back, not against the pregnant omega on top of him. Niall brought back his hand and landed a firm slap against Louis' cheek, that was enough to raise tears to Louis' eyes. They didn't quite spill over until Niall began to speak again, "You told me I was good and special and that you loved me and then you fucking left me, you fucker. I loved you more than anyone else and you just fucking left."

"I'm sorry." Louis mumbled all choked up and Niall just stared at him for a long time before leaning down to capture his lips against his own. A harsh press of lips, a snotty wet kiss after all these years shouldn't feel as good as it does. Louis pushed up into the kiss forcing Niall's lips apart with a soft moan, nothing in his time away felt nearly as right as this.

The other omega made quick movements pressing his thigh between Louis' and gripping the side of his face possessively. Louis' lips moved firm but soft against the other omega's until Niall pulled away and looked over Louis' panting and beautifully pink face. His lip wobbled again and he just collapsed, pressing all of his weight onto Louis and hiding his face in the other omega's neck.

His sobs were heart breaking, but the smaller omega just brushed a soft hand through Niall's hair for almost an hour before he realized the other omega fell asleep. It was never his intention to break the omega who had already been broken by so many.

Since Louis found himself trapped under the rather well dressed omega, he just lets his body relax and enjoy. He enjoyed the weight of Niall against his front and the way his soft breath tickled his neck. Louis wondered what it would be like to be in a pack with Niall and briefly thought it would be nice. But then he wondered about the eight years Niall spent here alone in this house and he felt guilt thick in his stomach once more.

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