Chapter 8

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About another year passed. Papyrus was 13, Sans 18. Now Paps was just one inch shorter than Sans. "gee, bro. you gotta stop growing." Sans always teased. It was so strange. His baby brother was already almost taller than him. 

Papyrus would accompany Sans to his sentry station about once a week to recalibrate all the puzzles. Other than that, he usually spent his time wandering Snowdin while Sans was at work. 

One day, Sans had just left to work another night shift. Papyrus didn't like how quiet it was at home, so he decided to wander around Snowdin. It was quiet outside. He lived how calm and tranquil it was. Many monsters were asleep, but not all of them. Papyrus was out near Grillby's. He never went inside because he hated grease.

Suddenly, a group of sketchy Monsters walked out. They all seemed a little older than him, about 16 or 17 if Papyrus were to guess. One whispered to the other, "Hey, that's Sans's weak brother, right?" Papyrus was just peacefully walking past Grillby's, unaware that they were talking about him. "Yeah, I heard he won't even fight anyone." They started snickering. "Ha, I heard he got rejected by the guard. What a wimp." Another monster chimed in, "Looks like an easy target. Are you thinkin what I'm thinkin?"

Papyrus was cheerfully walking around, whistling to himself. He loved having some peaceful alone time like this. It allowed him to clear his head. He was walking peacefully, when suddenly, four figures appeared behind him. Papyrus turned around. "AH, GREETINGS. MAY I HELP YOU?" The monsters laughed. A seahorse like creature, with huge muscles named Aaron stepped forward. "Look at you. Another useless monster who just takes up space and resources down here." Papyrus looked confused. "BEG YOUR PARDON?" Another monster stepped forward, a female snowdrake. "Monsters like you think you're so good and so pure, just because you don't have any LV. I hate that." Papyrus looked confused. Suddenly, an Ice Cap and a Woshua stepped forward as well. Papyrus got worried. "LOOK, GUYS, I DON'T WANT ANY TROUBLE." Aaron laughed. "Well, then you were born in the wrong world."

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