Chapter 12

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More years past. Papyrus was now 15. Sans was 20. Papyrus was finally starting to get comfortable with himself again. Though he still wasn't the happy, innocent child he use to be. 

Papyrus had gotten confident walking around by himself again. Pretty much no one knew who did who was responsible for the incident outside of Grillby's, but since it was years ago most people lost interest. Fights happened all the time. One day, some kids Papyrus's age started following him, like people do in this world. They stalked him out the the forest. 

Papyrus could hear their footsteps behind him. "WHOEVER YOU ARE, I KNOW YOU'RE THERE." He said, without turning around. A few teenagers appeared. "Heh, we're bored. You seem like an easy target, wanna play with us." In this world, Papyrus knew what 'play' meant. It meant they wanted to fight. Papyrus turned around to face them. "NO, I THINK I'M GOOD." He started walking off. "Whoa, whoa, whoa. How weak are you to run away from a fight." One of the monsters mocked. Papyrus stopped and clenched his fists. "YOU DON'T WANT TO FIGHT ME. TRUST ME. JUST LEAVE ME ALONE."

They laughed. "I heard you wont even fight back. Come on skeleton, we wanna see what you can do." Papyrus shook his head. "NO, TRUST ME. YOU DON'T." "What's wrong? Are ya scared?" Papyrus looked down. "YES. YES I AM." 

They all laughed. "Hahaha, wow. I've never seen a monster admit be being scared down here. Come on, we really wanna see what you can do." Papyrus continued to shake his head. "LEAVE. ME. ALONE." He said, in a more stern tone. They approached him. He stepped back. "PLEASE, JUST BACK OFF. I DON'T WANT TO HURT YOU." They continued to approach him. 

He tripped on a small rock, and fell back, surprising him. Suddenly he looked over his head and saw a large Gaster Blaster had formed. "NO, NO!" He yelled, as he quickly aimed it for the sky before it went off so it wouldn't hit anyone. After it fired, he made it disappear, before looking over at the shocked monsters faces. "OH NO..." He said to himself.

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