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2 days later

sakusa was currently looking out the window, he was in the back of the bus, not to close from the rest of the team.

sakusa saw inarizaki high. sakusa released a sigh finally he thought to himself

4 minutes later

everyone had just left the bus, and were currently walking to the gym.

when they arrived at the gym they saw inarizaki was already practicing.

"so komori, where's this akagi ?" sakusa asked and komori gulped and blushed

"heh why are you asking kiyo ?" komori asked nervously and sakusa shrugged

"i got to see if he's good enough for my cousin, and if he's hygienic enough for you" komori rolled his eyes

"even if he wasn't as hygienic as us, i'd still simp for him" komori said happily and sakusa made a disgusted face

"gross" sakusa suddenly felt a pair of eyes on him.

he started looking around and his eyes met a blonde male who was a bit shorter than me

sakusa raised an eyebrow "komori who is he ? he keeps staring at me" sakusa said, which seemed like he wasn't talking since his mask was still on

"who ?" komori asked "that blondie over there" sakusa said and komori looked at saw atsumu

"oh atsumu miya ? he's their setter, he has a lot of fan girls like you except he sometimes acknowledges them unlike you" komori said and sakusa rolled his eyes

"and his personality ?" komori whistled innocently
"yikes, um from what i heard he's cocky, arrogant and well loves being the center of attention, so he's like the complete opposite of you"

"i don't like him" sakusa scowled.

atsumu looked away from sakusa. he's even more handsome in person, heh this is gonna be fun atsumu smirked

"okay guys warm up" itachiyama's coach said and sakusa took off his mask.

since inarizaki already warmed up, atsumu couldn't help but admire the ace since he didn't have his mask on

"HI ATSUMU" atsumu jumped when he heard multiple female voices

"oh hello ladies" atsumu said with a smirk, the girls squealed

everyone noticed this, some didn't care but others were annoyed.

like sakusa. he didn't wanna practice if there was gonna be a lot of noises and people.

especially if they were fan girls "OH MY GOD IS THAT SAKUSA KIYOOMI" sakusa froze

oh no, for fucks sake even at inarizaki i have fan girls sakusa looked at the voices and saw some girls running towards him

he quickly went to his bag and grabbed lysol and put on his mask

"get near me and i'm spraying you guys, you germs" sakusa said bluntly

"EEK HE'S SUCH A BAD BOY" the girls squealed and sakusa made a disgusting face

"BYE SAKUSA SAN AND ATSUMU SAN" they yelled and left and sakusa sighed and took off his mask and put his lysol inside his bag

he really only bought his lysol to practice matches to keep the fan girls away.

"wow kiyo, we're at inarizaki and you still have fan girls, you're famous cuz" sakusa rolled his eyes

"i don't want them, they irritate me" sakusa stated and komori chuckled

"sucks to suck" komori said and sakusa scowled

"okay guys we're gonna start now"

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