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"why do you keep flirting with me ?" sakusa asked and atsumu blushed

"i um don't know" atsumu said and sakusa sighed "let's be honest, do you genuinely like me ? or are you flirting with me as a joke"

"... erm i don't know" "what do you mean you don't know ?" sakusa asked curiously, with a confused expression

"i mean, i don't know i've only ever had one crush, and what i get around ya.. it's weird"

"and what do you get around me ?" sakusa asked with an eyebrow raised

"ugh i don't know, my stomach feels weird and i blush over the stupidest things, it's just dumb. i never felt like this with kita"

"... you used to like your captain ?" atsumu nodded "o...kay well komori told me, he gets butterflies inside his stomach around akagi, and i'm guessing what you feel is butterflies which means, you like me" sakusa said monotonously

"EH AND WHY AREN'T YA SURPRISED ?" atsumu yelled, clearly confused.

"because i had a feeling you liked me, from the blushing" sakusa deadpans

"well do ya like me ?" atsumu asked "no comment" sakusa said as he stood up and went to atsumu's room

"AND YER LEAVING ME TO WASH THE DISHES ?" atsumu yelled "yep" sakusa said loudly

atsumu huffed, he threw out the left overs, and washed the dishes and went back to his room and saw sakusa laying down on his bed

"why don't ya answer the question ?" atsumu asked "because i don't know if i trust you" sakusa said bluntly

"and why don't you trust me ? i thought we were besties" atsumu frowned

"because, you decided to talk to a lonely germaphobe, and i don't know why you'd ever do that unless you have some kind of intention" atsumu gasped

"and why would ya think i have some sort of intention ?" atsumu asked and sakusa shrugged

"because why would you wanna talk to me, im just a freak" atsumu jumped on top of sakusa, then straddled him

"listen here bitch, if ya ever and i mean EVER call yerself a freak, i will slap the living daylights out of ya, and i wanted to talk to ya because i felt like ya were misunderstood, i get that ya have a cold personality, but once ya get through that, yer caring and kind, and that.. that's what made me fall for ya, and i don't have any regrets talking to ya that day, because if i hadn't, my life would probably be bland, because ya sakusa fucking kiyoomi, yer so fuckin' incredible NOW GET THAT THROUGH YER THICK SKILL YA DIMWIT" atsumu said while sakusa was shock

"... hey 'tsumu" sakusa said softly "yes omi ?"

"have my babies sir" sakusa said and atsumu giggled

"when we get married" sakusa blushed "we aren't even together, stop talking about marriage" atsumu smiled

"well are ya gonna ask me out or what ?" atsumu asked rather impatiently

"no, not yet"

motive ~ sakuatsuWhere stories live. Discover now