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they had just finished eating, they threw out the trash in the trashbin which resulted serious walking

they sat back down ontop of the towel and atsumu laid down and rested his hands on his stomach

"man am i stuffed, i feel fat" atsumu said as he lifted his shirt up and frowned

"nah, you still have those rock hard abs" sakusa said as he patted atsumus stomach who blushed in return

"also, we should wait 20 minutes before we go inside the water" atsumu nodded

sakusa took off his shirt and atsumu helped "oi oi oi, why are ya taking off yer shirt right now ?" atsumu asked

"because it's sunny and it's hot" sakusa said once he completely took off his shirt

"wait, i just realized don't we need to wear our swim trunks ?" atsumu asked and sakusa nodded

"oh yeah, well i'll go first right now and you make sure no one steals anything" atsumu nodded

26 minutes later

once the two had changed, they started walking to the water when they were stopped

"um h-hello" the female said nervously, sakusa moved away considering she was extremely close to him

"erm hi, what can we do for ya ?" atsumu asked and the girl blushed

"w-well i wanted his number" she said looking at sakusa who looked rather uncomfortable

"no" sakusa said as he walked into the water "eh ? but why not" she said as her voice started getting louder since sakusa was walking away

"because i'm gay, me no likey females" sakusa said loudly and the girl frowned

"what about you ? can i get your number ?" she asked atsumu who sighed

"i see why'd ya want my omi's number, i mean who wouldn't right ? he's tall, has abs that look lickable, but have you know, i'm not a second choice, i may be bi, but that doesn't matter 'cause i'd always choose omi, i mean just look at him. so, sorry but no. now excuse me because i have to accompany that sexy ass male over there swimming alone" atsumu said as he diced rolled as he walked away

the girl walked away in shock, i mean she got rejected not once but twice.

"what'd you say to her, since that took rather long" sakusa asked as atsumu got closer to him

"nothing important, just said some things, don't worry, i didn't give her my number" sakusa rolled his eyes

"i wouldn't even have cared if you gave her your number" sakusa stated and atsumu raised an eyebrow

"oh okay, i'll go give her my number then" "i think the fuck not, you trick ass bitch. don't give her your number" sakusa said annoyed

"i thought ya didn't care, aw omi. let me guess ya want me all for yerself don't ya" atsumu said as he swam closer to sakusa

sakusa splashed water on atsumus face, then swam away "YA DIDN'T DENY IT, AM I THAT LIKEABLE ?" atsumu yelled

"stop yelling miya, you're drawing attention to yourself" sakusa said

"hey, what's with ya calling me miya again ?" atsumu asked and sakusa shrugged

"oops" sakusa said as he splashed water at atsumu again

"i'm gonna swim away from ya, if yer gonna splash water at me again" atsumu deadpans

".... heh" sakusa splashed water at atsumus face again and smiled

atsumu then swam away and sakusa swam after him and wrapped his arms around him

"oi don't leave me 'tsumu" atsumu blushed "... so we not gonna talk about how ya touched me with no hesitation ?" atsumu said and sakusa immediately pulled away

"sorry" "don't apologize, ya can touch me any time of the day" sakusa scoffed

"you're gross, i'm never touching you again" sakusa said and atsumu smirked

"we'll see about that omi"

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