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sakusa was nervous. during these past days, he and atsumu had grown closer

sakusa would even go as so far to call them bestfriends. although, he felt tingly texting him but he tended to ignore that sensation inside him.

sakusa drove to komori's house to pick him up since he wasn't going to go on the train where a lot of people went especially since it was unsanitary.

"hi kiyo" komori said as he opened the car door "did you take a shower ?" sakusa asked and komori nodded

"hm okay get in" sakusa said and komori went inside the car and closed the door then slipped on his seat belt and sakusa started driving

"this is gonna be a long drive" sakusa sighed "yeah so put on some music woo hoo" komori said and sakusa chuckled

"you can put your music but sanitize your hands before you touch my radio" komori rolled his eyes and took out his own hand sanitizer since sakusa forced him to bring it

time skip ~

once they arrived at hyogo, sakusa drove to akagi's house and dropped komori off

sakusa told atsumu that he'd come over and atsumu had sent him his address

once sakusa arrived at the miya's, he put his mask on and sighed and grabbed his hand sanitizer and put some on his hand and slipped it inside his pocket since it was a small one

he turned off his car and stepped out of the car and then knocked down the door


"OI 'TSUMU SOMEONES AT THE DOOR, GO OPEN IT" atsumu eyes widened

atsumu left his room quickly and went downstairs and opened the door

"OMI OMI" atsumu yelled happily and sakusa flinched at the sudden noise

"um hello, are you ready ?" sakusa asked

"almost, i have to grab a few things, but ya can wait inside, don't worry the house is perfectly clean" sakusa nodded and stepped inside

"ya can sit in the couch, i won't take long" sakusa nodded again "oh also bring extra clothes" sakusa said as he walked over to the living room and sat down "hm weird but okay" atsumu said as he left to go to his room

"oh sakusa it's ya" sakusa looked over at osamu

"hey osamu, how's you and the suna guy you told me about ?" sakusa asked and osamu blushed

"oh, i'm starting to give him more affection and so is he" osamu said and sakusa nodded

"did you give atsumu my number ?" osamu shrugged

"perhaps" sakusa chuckled "i'm not mad, even though he irritates me, he's not that bad of a person"

"yeah, he's well different, didn't expect him to be yer type" sakusa shook his head

"i don't like him like that, or i don't think i do. i wouldn't know, i've never had feelings for anyone so i couldn't tell" sakusa said and osamu raised an eyebrow

"you know, at first glance i thought ya'd be a narcissistic asshole, but yer not so bad. just in case, know that i approve" sakusa chuckled

"good to know you approve, who knows maybe in the future-" sakusa was cut off

"what about the future and approving ?" the two jumped in surprise

"oh nothing, don't worry about it, are you ready 'tsumu ?" atsumu looked over at sakusa and smiled and nodded

"yep, i had to grab a mask, and put my shoes on and grab hand sanitizer, so ya won't be uncomfortable" sakusa felt the tingly feeling again

i don't get it.. why is he so.. nice to me..? it makes no sense, i wanna trust him but.. i don't know if i should..

"thanks, should we get going ?" sakusa asked as he stood up and atsumu nodded

"bye osamu, it was nice talking to you" sakusa said and osamu nodded "bye sakusa and bye 'tsumu" osamu said

"heh bye 'samu and let's go omi" osamu eyes widened

"hold up, he's omi ?" atsumu yelped "LETS GO" atsumu said and sakusa raised an eyebrow and shrugged and left the house while atsumu glared at osamu and left the house after.

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