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sakusa turned off his phone and looked at atsumu "what were ya and komori texting about ?"

"why do you wanna know ?" sakusa asked "just curious" atsumu shrugged

"so are ya gonna sleep over ?" atsumu asked and sakusa nodded, which resulted in atsumu smiling widely

sakusa started his car, and started driving to atsumus house.

"oh let's go to the supermarket to buy more snacks, i'll pay" atsumu said

"why do you have to pay" sakusa said "because ya paid for the pizza-"

"and you paid for the drinks, how about we both pay ?" sakusa suggested and atsumu nodded

time skip ~

the two arrived at atsumu's house, they've already bought the chips.

the two left the car and went inside the house

"'samu are ya home ?" atsumu asked. the house was silent

"hm guess we have the house to ourselves" "where are your parents ?" sakusa asked

"business trip" sakusa nodded, the two went up to atsumu's room which was surprisingly sparkly clean

they placed the bag ontop of atsumu's bed. "do ya wanna change into comfortable clothes ? i have a few big clothes that can fit ya" sakusa contemplated on using his clothes but agreed anyways

atsumu nodded in response, then went inside his closet and grabbed a black shirt, and a pair of black sweatpants and handed it to sakusa

"ya can change in the bathroom, or my favorite option, infront of me. i don't mind" atsumu teased and sakusa was about to take off his shirt with atsumu stopped him

"OI I WAS KIDDING... but ya can still strip just saying" atsumu said with a visible blush plastered on his face and sakusa rolled his eyes

"you missed your chance" sakusa said as he went inside the bathroom that connected form atsumu's room

hm he blushed, so maybe he does feel the same way, not sure yet sakusa thought to himself as he started to change

once he finished changing, he left the bathroom and sat down on atsumu's bed who was picking a movie to watch

"do ya wanna watch a specific movie ?" atsumu asked

"hm what genre do you prefer ?" atsumu shrugged "doesn't matter, but if yer gonna pick a horror movie, expect me to cling onto ya just saying"

"yeah let's not risk that, just put on casper" "oo i like that movie, are ya stalking me or something omi kun ?"

"as if i'd ever do such a thing, i bet your life is boring. if anything, i'd stalk your twin instead" atsumu pouted

"that arse, he's trynna steal ya from me" atsumu said with an annoyed tone

"aw babe don't worry about him stealing me from you, you're the only germ i can tolerate" sakusa said with a smile and atsumu gulped, and blushed furiously

"h-heh, um l-let's start the movie yeah ?" atsumu said as he clicked on the movie casper, while sakusa chuckled

"ya know, is it weird i kinda like the nickname germ ?" atsumu said and sakusa tilted his head "you're so weird for liking it, so you want me to call you a germ ?" sakusa asked

"ya can always call me daddy" atsumu said "how about sugar daddy ? don't be shy, pay for all my things" sakusa said and atsumu chuckled

"only for ya my omi kun" sakusa blushed, and moved his gaze to the tv.

"you're annoying" "yeah i may be annoying but it doesn't matter since i have this scrumptious ass, and amazing looks" atsumu said with a bright smile

sakusa kicked atsumu out of the bed "OUCH MEAN OMI" atsumu whined

sakusa looked down since atsumu landed face first

atsumu stood up and pouted "you do have a big ass, i just threw you off the bed to see if you had a big ass" atsumu blushed


"eh, it wouldn't be fun that wa-" "HOLD UP BITCH, did ya just say my ass is fat ? ya wanna grab it ? it's squishy and juicy, ya can bite it if ya want, no complaints"

"i mean, if you insist" atsumu blushed "HEH WHAT, IM JUST JOKING OMI, YA PERVERT" atsumu said and sakusa shrugged

"i'm not a pervert, you asked and who am i to object ?" sakusa said

"since when have ya became such a flirt omi ?"

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