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"hurry up omi, yer so slow" sakusa rolled his eyes "i'm carrying the pizza and the damn bag with our clothes dipshit, i don't wanna drop it" sakusa said and atsumu giggled

"and ? i'm carrying the drinks" sakusa sighed "i'm carrying more stuff idiot" sakusa retorted back

sakusa put the bag on the sand and the pizza box, and grabbed his towels, that he bought the day before since he didn't wanna use his own towels

he placed them on the sand, and the two sat down with the box of pizza infront of them

they grabbed the plastic plates and placed a slice of pizza on each, atsumu started eating first.

"hey have you even eaten today ?" sakusa asked and atsumu shook his head

"no i woke up at 11 took a shower, watched some tv, then got ready, and before i knew it, it was 2pm and ya were already here"

"hey omi, are ya gonna eat ? 'cause yer staring at the pizza but ya haven't even taken off yer mask" atsumu said and sakusa sighed and placed the pizza on the towel

he took off his mouth and atsumu was practically drooling, he seen him without his mask on the practice game but that was just one time

sakusa looked like a god, with and without his mask

"are you done staring ?" sakusa asked and atsumu shook his head

"take a picture, it'll last longer" sakusa chuckled and atsumu took out his phone and snapped a picture

"oi i was just joking" atsumu shrugged "yer fault for suggesting it, ya look so pretty when yer smiling like that, look" atsumu showed him the picture

"tch whatever" sakusa said before he started eating and atsumu giggled

"im gonna set it as my home screen" atsumu said and sakusa raised an eyebrow

"and why not the lock screen ?" sakusa asked and atsumu smirked

"oh ? do ya want it to be the lock screen ?" atsumu asked teasingly

"no" atsumu chuckled "smile for the camera" atsumu said as he took a picture of the both of them

"now i'm gonna set this one as my lock screen 'cause it has the both of us" atsumu said and sakusa blushed and continued eating

"oi omi kun, do ya even like guys ?" atsumu asked bluntly and sakusa choked on his food

atsumu started patting his back, and once sakusa stopped choking he sighed

"yeah i told you that already, well i'm pretty sure i do. since i find males more attractive then females" atsumu smirked

"oh ? am i one of the males ya find attractive" atsumu asked and sakusa rolled his eyes

"what do you think ?" atsumu smirked "well i think ya find me extremely attractive, i mean who wouldn't ? have ya seen me ?"

"yeah i have, and i wish i hadn't" atsumu gasped and pouted

"yer so mean omi kun, yer just jealous, ya don't have these rock hard abs" atsumu said as he lifted up his shirt

"oh ? wanna test a theory" sakusa said and atsumu put his shirt down

"mhm, i'd like to, don't be shy omi kun, i don't bite" atsumu said seductively

sakusa lifted up his own shirt and atsumu was practically drooling

i would to 😔✋🏼

i wanna touch them atsumu thought to himself "so who has the better abs ?" sakusa asked as he put his shirt down and atsumu frowned

"me obviously, but by a landslide, now let's hurry up and eat then we can go to the water, and show off these abs" atsumu said patting his stomach and sakusa chuckled

"okay 'tsumu"

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