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the practice match had just ended, sakusa grabbed his water bottle and took a sip from it

"hi sakusa" sakusa turned around and saw the same guy who was staring at him from before

sakusa just ignored him "ouch ignoring someone is impolite" atsumu whined

sakusa sighed "why are you talking to me ?" sakusa asked and atsumu shrugged

"do i need a reason to talk to ya"

"yes now leave if there isn't a reason" sakusa stated and atsumu frowned

"i don't wanna leave, but i'll leave if ya give me yer number" atsumu said with a smirk

"no thanks, you seem annoying" atsumu gasped

"i'm not annoying" atsumu argued "yes ya are"
they turned their heads and looked at osamu

"tch 'samu stop being mean to me" atsumu whined

"you seem like the better twin" sakusa said and osamu shrugged

"i get that a lot" atsumu gasped "no ya don't, ya liar i'm the better twin" atsumu whined

osamu looked back at sakusa "can i have your number, we can bully 'tsumu together" osamu offered and sakusa raised an eyebrow

"yeah sure" atsumus jaw dropped

osamu pulled out his phone and sakusa told him his number "great, i'll text you later, now i'm gonna go talk to rin, bye sakusa" osamu said and sakusa nodded

"HUH WHAT THE FRICKITY FRICK" atsumu yelled in disbelief

"why are you yelling so loudly for ?" sakusa asked

"because ya gave my ugly twin brother yer number AND NOT ME" atsumu said and sakusa shrugged

"he didn't seem annoying besides, i don't know why you want my number. aren't you popular, why would you want lil ol' me number ?"

"what does popularity have to do with this ?" atsumu asked curiously

"because you're popular, arrogant and cocky. which quite frankly seems like bad news to me" sakusa stated blankly and atsumu pouted

"i'm not that cocky" atsumu said and sakusa raised an eyebrow

"do you automatically assume everyone's gonna give you their number if you ask for it ?" sakusa asked and atsumu smirked "well yeah of course who wouldn't give me their number ?"

sakusa scoffed "yeah and you say you're not cocky, you're never getting my number with your cocky personality, it's a tad irritating for my taste" sakusa said and atsumu let out a huff

"i'll get yer number sooner or later omi kun" sakusa winced and made a disgusted face

"never call me that" sakusa said and atsumu smirked

"i'll stop if ya give me yer number" atsumu said and sakusa sighed

"im going with komori" sakusa stood up and walked away to komori who was talking to akagi

"yo komori" sakusa said and komori looked back "oh hi kiyo, whats wrong ?" komori asked and sakusa sighed

"atsumu miya is what's wrong" komori raised an eyebrow

"what did he do now ?" akagi asked and sakusa looked at him

"you're akagi right ?" sakusa asked and akagi nodded "so what do you think about my cousin ?" sakusa asked and the two blushed


im literally a hard core akagixkomori shipper, literally might just make a story about them 🙄✋🏼

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