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"so omi kun, where are we going ?" atsumu asked the raven haired male

"oh i ordered a large pizza when i left akagi's house to drop off komori, so we're gonna pick it up, then go to the beach and eat there then swim" sakusa said and atsumus eyes lit up

"really ?" atsumu asked excitedly and sakusa nodded

"ya know, this sounds like a date" sakusa rolled his eyes

"yeah well it's not, so get that through your pretty head" atsumu made that lip biting face

yk what im talking about 😩

"so ya think im pretty, shii just increase my ego why don't ya" atsumu said smugly

"yeah i do, i'm not gonna deny it" sakusa said and atsumu's jaw dropped

"heh didn't expect ya to just say it bluntly" sakusa shrugged "i'm blunt, don't like it, then don't talk to me" sakusa said

"shii, omi just rail me at this point, yer making me go wild" atsumu said and sakusa chuckled

"calm yourself, it's never gonna happen" atsumu frowned "ya never know, next thing ya know, yer gonna pin me against a wall and i'll ride ya"

sakusa had a blush on his cheeks but kept an emotionless expression plastered on his face

"in your dreams" sakusa said and atsumu sighed "yeah" he relied softly

"oh do ya want me to go inside and get the pizza ? since it might be unsanitary inside" sakusa stayed silent

after a few seconds sakusa opened his mouth ".. yeah i'll give you the money" atsumu nodded and smiled

once they arrived at the pizzeria, sakusa gave atsumu the money and a few minutes later, atsumu went back to the car with the pizza box on his hands

"got it" atsumu said as he went inside the car and sakusa nodded

"also i bought a couple of drinks for us" sakusa looked at atsumu

"you paid for it ?" sakusa asked and atsumu nodded

"why didn't you just use the rest of my money ?" sakusa asked and atsumu shrugged and gave him the change

"because it'd be rude since i didn't ask ya" sakusa's stomach fluttered but took a deep breath and started driving

"you're a weird person miya"

this is oh so very short, my apologies

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