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sakusa was shitting his pants, he was currently driving to the location, osamu told him.

osamu and suna were already there, and sakusa was almost there.

few minutes later

sakusa had to walk over to the tree since there wasn't anywhere to park nearby.

"hey, i have the decorations" sakusa said, as he placed the box down

"okay let's get this done" osamu said and the other two nodded

time skip ~

5:38 pm

the three had finished preparing everything, he bought atsumu's favorite snacks, drinks and even bought him a fox plushie because why not

once the tree looked perfect, osamu and suna left and sakusa took a deep breath

sakusa left the fox plushie on the corner of the wall inside the tree house

the raven haired male, started driving to atsumu's house.

once he arrived, he knocked on the door and atsumu opened it

"EH OMI ? what are ya doing here ?" atsumu asked "can you get changed into something casual ?" sakusa asked and atsumu raised an eyebrow

"sure but why ?" atsumu asked curiously as he let sakusa in "i wanna take you somewhere"

"okay, i'll be back" atsumu said as he went upstairs

sakusa sat down in the couch living room and started fidgeting with his fingers, he just hoped this would turn out well.

14 minutes later

"i'm ready, sorry it took long i was contemplating on what to wear" atsumu said as he scratched the back of his neck

"it's okay, let's go" sakusa said and atsumu nodded.

the two went inside atsumu's car, the drive was a quiet, the music was playing in the background.

atsumu looked out the window, after a few minutes atsumu knew where they were going, or atleast had a gist

once sakusa parked, he left the car and so did atsumu, sakusa took a blindfold from his pocket

"im gonna put a blindfold on you okay ?" sakusa said and atsumu nodded, and sakusa smiled at how atsumu didn't question him

sakusa guided the way, making sure atsumu didn't fall or bump into anything.

once they arrived at the tree, sakusa took another deep breath "you can take the blindfold off" sakusa said softly and atsumu obeyed

the fake blond male jaw dropped, his eyes lit up, he was amazed at the sight.

"it's so beautiful omi" atsumu said with a grin from ear to ear "i'm glad you like it, now let's climb the tree, i have a surprise up there"

the two climbed up, and the inside of the tree house was clean, with a blanket so they could sit, with the snacks and drinks, and the fox plushie in a corner, a fairy lights around the wall of the treehouse.

"o-omi ya did this all yourself ?" atsumu asked as he sat down on the blanket

"well no, osamu and suna helped me" "WHAT HE KNEW AND DIDNT TELL ME ?" atsumu whined

"yeah hes known for a few days" sakusa said as he soft down and with releasing a soft chuckle "that's even worse"

"oh and that fox plushie is for you since it reminds me of you" sakusa said with a blush

"aw omi, yer so cute" atsumu said as he pulled sakusa into a hug, sakusa tensed up but soon melted into the hug, and wrapped his arms around atsumu's waist

"thanks omi, this means a lot to me, and i remember telling osamu, i'd take my soulmate here, but it's even better that ya took me here, ya know what that means, yer my soulmate sorry but i don't make the rules" atsumu said as he raised both of his eyebrows, squinted his eyes and bit his lips

y'all know what i'm talking about 😩

sakusa bursted into a fit of laughter "y-you look... so s-stupid" sakusa said in between laughs

"i look sexy as fuck bitch" atsumu said as he flipped his bangs "yep, very sexy indeed" sakusa said and atsumu smiled

"you know, i'm glad i decided to talk to ya, ya have became so special to me, and everything about ya, makes me fall deeper in love with ya" sakusa blushed furiously, hearing those words come from atsumu's mouth

"h-hey i was supposed to confess" sakusa whined "ya still can, and  while yer at it, as me the fuck out" atsumu said and sakusa chuckled

"me sakusa kiyoomi, the hottest bitch, wants to ask you, atsumu miya the sexiest bitch, to become my boyfriend, you have three options, yes, of course, and sí" sakusa said

"i choose option three, sounded kinda sexy" atsumu said and sakusa chuckled "yup, learned how to say yes in spanish, feeling kinda proud"

"as ya should bae, bad bitch" atsumu said and sakusa smiled and leaned closer to atsumu

"are we about to kiss right now ?" atsumu said as he leaned closer while sakusa flicked his forehead "sorry, i thought i saw a mosquito" sakusa lied

"... yeah way to break my heart like this omi omi" atsumu pouted. sakusa kissed atsumu's forehead "sorry baby" atsumus heart skipped a beat

"please call me that again" "stupid ?" atsumu rolled his eyes "alright sakusa"

"whos sakusa ? never heard of him i'm-" sakusa stopped talking as he grabbed a box and opened it, revealing a flower crown

"king omi, now respect me peasant" sakusa said as he put the flower crown on

"yes my king" atsumu said as he bowed down slightly, while trying to hold in a laughter

sakusa took off the flower crown and lifted atsumu's head, and placed the flower crown on his head

"it looks better on you love" sakusa said as a pressed a gentle kiss on atsumu's lips

"of course it does, besides the flowers are pink, and ya know what they say. males who like pink are manly" sakusa rolled his head and chuckled "and you're still as cocky as ever, and as stupid as ever"

"babe, if ya looked like this, ya would to, and sir i think i'm smart, not stupid" atsumu said with a pout, before throwing a fit of giggles "mm yeah i would be cocky if i looked like you, but i'm think i'm pretty handsome myself"

"yes, of course ya are omi omi"

the end

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