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11:30 pm

the two had ate all the snacks, and finished watching a few movies, but they had started getting tired

"... i wanna sleep" sakusa said, his eyes slowly dropping "hm, can we cuddle ?" atsumu asked, and sakusa being half asleep agreed.

atsumu turned the lights off and laid down next to sakusa, and rested his head on sakusa's chest, while sakusa wrapped his arms around atsumu.

next day

atsumu's eyes fluttered open, he was laying on something hard, yet oddly comfortable.

he looked down and saw he was laying on sakusa's chest, he immediately had a blush plastered on his face

a few seconds later, the lad under him had woke up, atsumu had tried leaving his grasp quietly, but sakusa had his arms around him rather tightly.

"stop moving so much" sakusa said with his morning voice, that made atsumu's heart flutter

"s-sorry.." atsumu said "go back to sleep" sakusa said as he tightened his hold on atsumu.

"okay" atsumu said, as he fell back asleep.

11:47 am

sakusa woke up first this time, he had one arm around atsumu, while he grabbed his phone with the other

kiyo, are you asleep ?


🙄 ha ha so funny, when are you planning on going home ?

um maybe the afternoon ? i'm gonna hang out with atsumu for alittle more before we leave

aw so cute

✨shut up✨

no you

ugh, leave me alone. oh shit gotta go atsumu is waking up 🏃🏻💨



sakusa turned off his phone quickly. and put it to the side and closed his eyes, as atsumu started waking up slowly

".. omi wake up" atsumu said softly as he pinched sakusa's cheek

"don't pinch my cheeks 'tsumu" sakusa said as he opened his eyes

"i'm hungry" atsumu whined

"then cook, i'm the guest so" atsumu rolled his eyes "oh have ya know, i can't cook for shit so sure i'll cook"

"yeah nevermind, i know how to cook a few things, but can i take a shower ?" sakusa asked

"yep, i'll get clothes for ya" atsumu said and sakusa nodded

sakusa went inside the bathroom, and stripped off his clothes, and turned on the water before stepping inside 

atsumu knocked on the door slightly "yeah ?" sakusa yelled "i left your clothes on my bed, let me know when you've finish changing" atsumu said loudly

"okay" sakusa replied

37 minutes later

the two males were currently in the kitchen, sakusa was cooking while atsumu was sitting on the counter admiring sakusa who had looked like a house wife.

"jeez ya should honestly just marry me, and cook for me for the rest of my life" sakusa chuckled softly

"as tempting as that sounds, i'd rather not marry a man child" atsumu gasped offensively

"that's it, i'm gonna marry your cousin instead" atsumu said and sakusa turned his head to look at atsumu and raised an eyebrow

"eh you can't, he likes akagi" atsumu gasped and almost fell off the counter "WAIT HE ACTUALLY LIKES AKAGI" sakusa nodded and atsumu squealed

"well that's perfect, akagi likes him as well" atsumu said happily "saw that coming"

few minutes later

"i finished cooking, give me a plate for ya" atsumu got off of the counter, and grabbed two plates.

once sakusa put the food on the plates they both sat down across from eachother on the table

"ya know, ya should sit next to daddy" atsumu teased "'tsumu" sakusa deadpans

"i'm just jok-" atsumu was cut off "i'm the top, not you. so don't go pretending to be dominant, especially with me"

"but i'm older" atsumu whined "and ? i'm the top"

"how about we test that theory, you know on my bed, right now" atsumu suggested

"no, i'm waiting till marriage" sakusa said and atsumu eyes widened "eh really ?"

"i don't know, i don't think i'd be able to do that with someone who im not with, and don't see a future with" atsumu made an 'o' shape with his mouth

"ah that makes sense, well yeah i feel the same" sakusa scoffed "you're a virgin ?" sakusa asked in disbelief

"yeah, i may be flirty but that's just with ya, i don't give anyone this precious body the fuck" atsumu said

"that's a bit shocking, but kinda glad and i thought you flirted with your fan girls" sakusa said

"oh ? what was that ? did ya just say yer glad ?" atsumu asked


"sure sure, omi ya know i'm yer property" sakusa rolled his eyes

"you're not a property, refrain from calling yourself that 'tsumu"

"AND YER A GENTLEMEN ? jeez omi yer making my heart go crazy right now, please have my babies" atsumu said and sakusa giggled

".... i think i just stopped working" sakusa laughed "ya know ya should laugh more, it's like music to my ears" atsumu said, as he rested his cheek on the palm of his hand "also i haven't flirted with girls in months, because of ya omi"

sakusa sighed "why do you keep flirting with me ?"

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