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atsumu was back at home, he was a bit upset that he wasn't able to get sakusa's number but he had a plan.

which would most likely work since osamu had sakusa's number.

"OI 'SAMU" atsumu said as he opened osamu's door who was watching tv in his room

"what the fuck do ya want now ?" osamu asked clearly annoyed and atsumu jumped on his bed

"heh, give me sakusa's number" atsumu said with pleading eyes and osamu rolled his eyes

"no, now leave me alone" atsumu pouted

"i'll buy ya onigiri everyday for the whole week" osamu raised an eyebrow

"nah, it's not enough" osamu said as he fixated his gaze back at the tv and atsumu put a finger on his chin and made a thinking expression

"i'll buy ya onigiri for a week whenever ya ask"

"hm fine, i'll give ya sakusa's number" atsumus eyes lit up

"but first, tell me why ya want it ?" atsumu just shrugged as a response

"that's not an answer, if ya don't tell me i won't give it to ya" atsumu just rolled his eyes

"i don't have a specific reason, i just want to text him. besides he seems.. different" osamu raised an eyebrow

"if yer gonna play him, i'm not giving it to ya" atsumu gasped

"as if i'd ever do such a horrid thing" osamu scoffed "the girls ya flirted with this year says otherwise"

"... no comment, BUT i'm being honest 'samu, i'd never play him. i don't have a bad motive against him i swear, i just wanna text him" osamu sighed

"if i find out yer lying, i'm gonna hit ya, sakusa is a funny guy" atsumu smirked

"sounds like ya like him" osamu gagged "nah my heart is set for suna and onigiri" osamu said

"right ya guys have been dating since first year, kind of forget, SINCE YA DON'T SHOW ANY AFFECTION TOWARDS EACHOTHER" osamu rolled his eyes and kicked atsumu out of his bed


"oh right" osamu took out his phone and atsumu took out his and osamu told him his number and atsumu smiled then turned off his phone once he had it

"perfect, thanks 'samu, now i'm gonna annoy omi now"

"ah ah ah wait my precious twin, buy me some onigiri" atsumu rolled his eyes

"fine whatever" atsumu said as he left his room and grabbed his shoes and keys and started driving to a store

once he bought the onigiri, he drove back home and took off his shoes

"SAMU I HAVE YER DAMN ONIGIRIS" atsumu yelled and osamu immediately went downstairs

"thanks 'tsumu and bye bye" osamu said as he grabbed the keys from atsumu

"where ya going ?" atsumu asked

"to rin's, so tell mom when she gets home" atsumu nodded

"bye, and show him some damn affection dimwit" osamu rolled his eyes "i do give him affection" and with that he left the house and atsumu sighed

"hm should i text omi ..? heh YES SIR" atsumu giggled and took out his phone


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