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next day

sakusa had just finished getting ready for school, he felt happier than usual, well he never was happy but that's beside the point.

although him and atsumu aren't together yet, he knows atsumu feels the same way, now he just has to figure out how to ask him out.

though, sakusa could ask him out during facetime and atsumu being head over heels for the raven haired male, would immediately say yes.

"hey komori" sakusa said once komori went inside his car

"hi kiyo, so how was your weekend with your precious atsumu"  komori asked and sakusa rolled his eyes

"ahem, how about you tell me if you asked out akagi" sakusa said and komori smiled

"yeah duh, i ain't no pussy bitch like your bumass" "i- rude, and first off all, he knows i like him and he likes me, but we aren't dating because i want to ask him out on a special way" sakusa said as he started driving to school

"HEH ? SINCE WHEN WERE YOU SUCH A ROMANTIC ?" komori said loudly in disbelief, and his cousin winced at the sudden loud noise

"don't yell so loudly, and i'm not a romantic, i just feel the need to make atsumu feel special, and you should've done that with akagi"

"I TOLD YOU, YOU WERE GONNA BECOME A SIMP, and that's so corny, but cute. and HEY i gave akagi all of his favorite snacks and then i asked him out and he basically cried" akagi said proudly

"yeah, he cried because he's stuck with you now" komori gasped "oh have you know, anyone would be lucky to go out with me, i'm como se dice, incredible" komori said as he tucked a strand behind his ear

"... the fuck since when did you speak spanish ?" sakusa asked confusedly

"i studied that exact sentence for a moment like this" komori said happily

"you're weird, but we're here so leave my car before you contaminate it" komori rolled his eyes

"oh shut up, you know you don't mind me being in your car"

"yeah whatever" the two left the car, they started walking when sakusa got a phone call

sakusa took out his phone and saw atsumu was calling me

"'tsumu why are you calling me at this time when you could've texted me ?" sakusa asked once he answered the phone

"it's quite simple really, i wanted to hear yer sexy wexy voice" atsumu said and sakusa chuckled "yeah never say wexy again" komori looked at him weirdly

"what the fuck" komori mouthed and sakusa shrugged

"well i just wanted to hear yer voice so i can go along with my day, so bye omi and i'll text ya later" atsumu said and sakusa smiled underneath his mask

"yeah.. bye 'tsumu" sakusa said before he hanged up

"KIYO I SEE YOU SMILING, WHAT HE SAY ?" komori curiously asked loudly

"nothing just him being an idiot" sakusa said as he put on his usual no expression face

the two went inside the school, and started walking to class, sakusa of course was getting stared at by the females at the school.

which, made him feel rather uncomfortable, you'd think he'd get used to the stares by this point. well poor sakusa hadn't, he didn't like how the females would look at him

made him feel.. violated, which he disliked. sakusa sighed and shoved his hands into his pocket, and komori and sakusa went inside the classroom.

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