Chapter Three

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The bell rung signalling the end of school. This was it, the moment where I tell my friends about Ezra and I. What if they told somebody? No, they'd never do that. I can trust them, well at least I think I can.

When I walked outside the school gates, I saw the girls at the parking lot and they watched me closely as I approached them. "Hey," I said as I folded my arms and looked at them all.

"Spill, now" Spencer said looking at me ready for an answer.

"Okay, um..." I said trying to find out where to start.

"Well?" Hanna said.

"The mystery guy is Ezra, Mr Fitz" I said quietly.

"MR FITZ?!" They all said in unison, their faces filled with shock and confusion.

"Shhhhh!" I said loudly, pulling them behind the wall surrounding the parking lot, "Yes, Mr Fitz, but it isn't as bad as it first sounds. I need to explain it to you guys. Can we go to yours Spencer? I can't really explain it here there's still loads of people around..." I said cautiously.

"Sure, come on" Spencer said opening her car door.


"Okay, so how did you and Mr fi-"

"Ezra," I interrupted Hanna, "Call him Ezra."

"Okay. How did you and Ezra y'know get together?" Hanna said, all the girls leaned in closer to hear the story.

"Okay well it really isn't that exciting but here goes. I had just got back from Iceland and I went to the grill for a bite to eat. I sat at the bar and there was a guy there and he was reading a book. He started talking to me and I talked to him... Let's just say we ended the night in the bathroom," I said with a laugh remembering the night, "Then, when school started again I found out that guy was our new English teacher, Mr Fitz. We weren't going to carry on with our relationship but we couldn't resist I mean look at him - he's gorgeous!" I said smiling.

"Wow. I have to admit Aria, you have got a really hot love life..." Hanna said smirking.

"Hanna!" Emily said slapping Hanna's arm playfully.

"Ouch, that hurt!" Hanna said sarcastically.

"Aria I hate to be the one to say this but seriously, did you not think that night at the bar? I mean, you are like 6 years younger than him and this relationship is so dangerous, what if you get caught!?" Spencer said slightly raising her voice.

"No I guess I wasn't thinking straight, I was tired and jet lagged and it was nice to have the attention from a guy for once who didn't seem to be a complete ass like most others! Besides, he was super hot too, and I didn't want to disappoint him! He thought I was a college girl getting a degree in English... I-" I said trailing off slightly.

"Aria that was such a bad move, like I'm happy you're happy and all but again if anybody found out..." Spencer said shaking her head.

"I know. That's why I kept it a secret from you guys for so long. I'm sorry if I upset you but the stakes were just too high." I said trying to look anywhere but their eyes.

"It's okay, Aria. You can trust us and so can Ezra. We won't tell anybody. We are truly happy for you, you deserve it from all the crap you've been through this year. As long as he makes you happy and he doesn't break your heart, I think we all approve of you two, right Em? Spence?" Hanna said looking at the other girls briefly and staring at Spencer as if to say "Spencer say something!!"

They all nodded in agreement, even Spencer who was clearly not impressed with me but was willing to support me and my decisions.

"You guys are honestly the best, I'm so glad you all approve!" I said hugging them one by one.

All of a sudden my phone flashed. My heart suddenly sank because I knew it was probably from A. However, it could also be from Ezra so I tried to calm myself a little bit and smile.

"Is it from Ezra??" Emily said with a smirk. I rolled my eyes at her and then checked the message.

They might keep quiet, but how are you gonna keep me quiet about your little secret? -A

"Guys I gotta go. It's important. I'm sorry." I said grabbing all my things hastily.

"Aria, what's wrong? Is it Ezra? Is it your parents? Mike?" Spencer said frowning.

"I'll text you. I will text you all later. Bye." I said rushing out of the door.

Before I could hear them say goodbye back, I was already out of the door and in my car. I needed to see Ezra, now. He didn't know I was going to tell the girls, so god knows what he's gonna do when I tell him A knows.


As I pulled up in front of Ezra's apartment, my heart beat became fast and my breaths became heavier. As I knocked on his door, I was on the verge of crying because I was dreading how he was going to react.

"Aria? I thought you weren't coming until later? What's wrong?" He asked with a rather worried look on his face.

"C-Can I come in? It's kind of um... important..." I said staring down at my hands.

"Sure of course you can, Aria," he said closing the door behind me.

He lead me to his couch and I sat down next to him, a million thoughts running wild in my brain as I tried to think of a way of how to explain this to Ezra in a way that wouldn't make him want to leave me, even though he promised me he never would... I had my doubts, under the circumstances.

"Ok," I began with a shaky breath, Ezra clutched my hand tightly and looked at me expectantly, waiting for me to continue speaking, "I'm about to tell you something which could ultimately ruin everything for us. I know that there's a possibility that you won't be able look at me the same way you did yesterday..." I trailed off with a tear rolling down my cheek.

"Aria.... I could never-"

"Shh, you need to hear this," I interrupted, preparing myself to tell him everything. This was it.

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