Chapter Seventeen

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I walked down Ezra's hallway for the second time this evening and knocked on his door. This time I wasn't nervous, nor was I scared. If anything, I was happy. Really happy. I was finally going to be able to live with Ezra and get away from the inevitable parental drama following the announcement of my relationship and my pregnancy.

"Aria," Ezra said, pulling me into his tight embrace, "Are you OK?"

"I will be, at least now that I'm here; with you." I said looking up at him with a smile.

Still holding me close to him, he kissed the top of my head and I suddenly felt a wave of relief wash over me, as though I had no more worries and I was completely safe from everyone and everything.

"Let's get you unpacked," he said taking my bags and following me into his cosy apartment.

We spent the night on the couch, enjoying being in each other's presence. I couldn't believe that I had actually moved in with Ezra. It wasn't official but Ezra and I had both agreed that me staying at his for a while was the best idea.

"Hey, Aria?" Ezra said looking down at me as I was resting my head on his chest.


"I'm glad you're here, I wouldn't have allowed you to stay anywhere near your dad after the way he talked to you." Ezra replied cupping my face with his hands, smiling at me intently. I smiled back.

"I'm glad I'm here too, Ezra." I said giving him a short but sweet kiss on the lips. He kissed back, however, he did it with such passion and desire that it sent electricity through each and every vein in my body.

The kiss started to escalate, as usual. We just couldn't keep our hands off each other!

He started to kiss his way to my jaw. "," he said in between each kiss that he left from my jaw down my neck. I let out an involuntary moan as he reached my neck and in between the deep breaths I was taking I managed to choke out an I love you more.

Ezra pulled away from me and placed his hand on the side of my face, stroking it slightly with his thumb. I smiled at him and he smiled back. His lips parted slightly, as if he was about to say something. However, he was interrupted by the sound of my phone beeping; I got a text message.

I sighed as I stood up from the couch to go and get my phone from the kitchen counter where I had left it when I came in. "I'll be right back," I said to Ezra who was pouting because he was enjoying our little moment.

I got my phone and opened the message, unable to stop my hands from trembling slightly.

Hey Aria, can you drive me to school tomorrow? My car has broken down -Spencer

I let out a sigh of relief.

"Who is it babe?" Ezra shouted from the couch.

"Just Spencer asking me to drive her to school tomorrow!" I answered.

I texted her back:

Sure Spence, wait for me outside the brew I will meet you there and drive us to school -Aria

Ok! See you tomorrow -Spencer

I switched off my phone and placed it back in its original position on the kitchen counter as I walked back to Ezra's couch. "Everything okay?" he asked me as I sat down next to him.

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