Chapter Sixteen

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Finally, the bell rang signalling the end of yet another school day. I walked as quickly as I could down the hallway and into the parking lot, my mind focused only on getting out of here and getting to Ezra's. I needed to see him, what if Byron threatened him? I just couldn't bear the thought of Ezra being upset, even though he always tried to put on a front and be strong for me, I knew that he hurt like everybody in the else in the world, he's only human after all.

Before I had the chance to put the keys into my ignition, I heard a knock on my car window. It was Spencer. I wound the window all the way down so that I could talk to her.

"Hey, Spence. What's up?"

"Nothing's up with me... It's you I'm worried about. You haven't been your usual self all day." She said, expressing a concerned look.

"I know, and I'm glad you are looking out for me. I can't really tell you this through a car window, how about you get in and I drive you home? I'm going past your house anyway, I'm heading to Ezra's. I can tell you everything on the way?" I said unlocking the car door.

"Okay, sure," Spencer said getting into the passenger seat. I turned on the ignition and started to pull out of the parking lot.

"So tell me, what's up, Aria?" Spencer said with a sigh.

"Well, I got a text from Ezra this morning," I started, "he told me he needed to talk to me straight after school, apparently my dad found out about Ezra and I and-and our baby..." I trailed off.

"Oh, Aria, what are you going to do?" Spencer said looking over to me.

"Well, first I am going to go see Ezra. Find out exactly what my dad said to him. Then, I am going to go see my dad," I sighed, "I know he will probably dis own me and shout at me like there's no tomorrow, but I have to face him and talk to him, if he allows me to talk. I need to do what's right, and I need to do what is necessary to keep mine and Ezra's relationship alive, as well as our baby," I said, my voice cracking a little as I mentioned the baby. My baby.

"Well, I think thats extremely brave and mature of you," Spencer said with a smile. I glanced at her and smiled back.

"Here we are," I said pulling up outside Spencer's.

"Thanks, Aria. Let me know how things go, okay?" She said putting her hand on my shoulder.

"I will, I love you Spence," I said embracing her in a hug.

"I love you more, Aria," Spencer replied, hugging me tightly.


I walked down the all too familiar hallway to Ezra's apartment, 3B. My hands trembled and my mind went wild as a million thoughts and feelings exploded within my head, sending my anxiety to a whole new level as I knocked on his door. I heard footsteps approaching the door so I quickly composed myself and put a smile on my face, trying to stay as positive as I could for Ezra's sake.

The smile quickly faded, however, when Ezra opened the door with an expression I had never seen from him before. He looked defeated.

"Hey babe," he said with a sigh, giving me a quick kiss as I walked into his apartment.

"Hey, we need to talk," I said sitting down on the couch, Ezra followed and sat down next to me.

"Yeah, we do." He replied, taking my hands into his. He looked at me deeply, and I could see it in his eyes. I could see how hurt he was. I almost allowed a tear to fall down my face, but I managed to hold it back and stay strong. Ezra and I needed each other right now, we both needed to stay strong as this was going to be one of the hardest, if not the hardest, hurdle to jump over.

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