Chapter Eight

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That was the only word that came to mind when I looked down at the two tests in my hand. I was pregnant... With Ezra's child. Half of me was ecstatic and over-joyed and then the other half of me was scared to death.

I didn't know what to do, as every second went by my heart beated faster and faster and my head became lighter, causing me to feel extremely dizzy. My body felt as though it was going to collapse completely, so I quickly wrapped up the tests in a paper towel, shoved them in to my bag and unlocked the bathroom door.

I walked out to find the girls all patiently waiting on Hanna's bed for me, staring at me with wide eyes and anticipation.

"So...?" Hanna said.

"It was positive." I said with a tear rolling down my cheek.

"Are you sure?" Spencer asked.

"Yeah, it was definitely positive." I said looking down at my small belly.

"Oh my gosh, Aria, what are we gonna do?" Emily said giving me a hug.

"I don't know but I'm not aborting it. No way." I said wiping the tears from my eyes.

"You've got to tell Ezra..." Hanna said putting her hand on my arm.

"I will. Tonight. Will he be happy do you think?" I asked worriedly.

"Of course he will! Are you happy?" Spencer said raising her eyebrows.

"Yes of course I am it's just... I'm going to start showing in a few months and I don't know what is going to happen with my parents, with school.... Just so many questions will be asked and I don't know how I will answer them without putting Ezra and I in danger." I said, almost crying again.

All the girls were now hugging me, and trying to reassure me that everything will be OK. Ugh, what a mess I've got myself into.

"We have to be the god mothers or aunts!" Hanna said trying to cheer me up. I laughed at her ability to turn the most emotional moments into happy moments.

"Oh don't even worry about that, you already are! Thank you so much for understanding and not totally dis-owning me like my parents are gonna do. I love you all so much." I said smiling more than I was a second ago.

"Your secrets safe with us because remember, secrets are what keeps us all so close." Emily said mimicking Ali.
We all broke into bundles of laughter! At least they all knew how to cheer me up and I loved them all so much for that.

All of a sudden, my phone flashed. The girls and I just froze and stared at each other. I cautiously went to pick up my phone and read the message aloud...

Congratulations bitch, I wonder if mommy knows her daughter was knocked up by her teacher? Are you gonna tell her or am I? Kisses, -A

We just stood there staring at each other and back down at the phone for a good 2 minutes. How could A possibly know about the pregnancy when I only just found out myself no more than a few minutes ago? Spencer suddenly broke the silence. "You should go see Ezra..."

"Yeah, um, okay bye guys" I said grabbing my things and rushing out of the room awkwardly.


I knocked on Ezra's door shaking more than I had ever done in my whole life. I knew I had a spare key but it just didn't seem right to use it, under the circumstances.

"Aria? I thought you weren't coming until later?" Ezra said closing the door behind me.

Before I could reply, I broke down completely into Ezra's strong arms.

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