Chapter One

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As my eyelids fluttered open, I found myself laid across Ezra with my head pressed gently against his bare chest. The sound of his heartbeat always helped me sleep because it's so comforting knowing here's here and he's never going to leave my side.

I slowly propped myself up so I could kiss his forehead.

"Good Morning, Honey" I said as I watched him awaken.

"Morning, pookie bear," he managed to croak out in his morning voice, which I loved so much.

"Hey," I said, "I told you not to call me that, besides we have new nicknames now - remember?" I said ruffling his morning hair with a giggle.

"I was only teasing, of course I remember - how could I forget? You were Baby Cakes and I was-"

"You were BooBear" I interrupted with a smile.

We both broke into bundles of laughter causing me to fall back on top of him.

We were so ridiculous but neither of us cared. "Have I ever told you just how much I love you?" Ezra said tucking a stray piece of hair behind my ear.

"No, I don't think you have..." I said with a smirk, biting my bottom lip slightly.

"Well..." He sat up and leaned in kissing me softly yet passionately on the lips. I placed my arms around his neck and he placed his on my back causing me to shiver. He then moved down my neck knowing my weak spot. "Stop... it" I said in between giggles. I could feel his smile against my neck. He then began to kiss his way up from my neck to the spot right below my left ear. "I love you, Aria Montgomery," he whispered into my ear. Before I had chance to reply, he was kissing his way back to my lips where his lips lingered for quite a while. I smiled widely, he made me feel so wanted, so special and so incredibly happy.

Although neither of us really wanted to, we had to get out of bed at some point because it was Wednesday and we both had busy days ahead. "We should probably start getting ready because you have school and I have work..." Ezra said with a sigh. I nodded my head and then we dragged ourselves out of bed, very hesitantly.

I made breakfast, because Ezra and I both knew I was the better cook out of the two of us! Besides, I enjoyed watching his face as he tucked into the meals I made him, he was always so excited, like a puppy about to receive a treat.

Shortly following breakfast, we began to get dressed and ready for the day, which didn't take us that long. Ezra changed into his work suit and I got changed into a red skater dress and some small black ankle boots.

"You look... Beautiful," Ezra said with a smile, looking me up and down as I stood in front of his mirror.

I turned around to face him, he also looked amazing. I loved the suits he wore for work, he always looked so professional and sexy.

"Thanks babe, but you look amazing, as ever," I replied wrapping my arms around his neck as he pulled me in by the waist.

"I don't know how I'm going to be able to keep my eyes off you today," I said with a giggle.

"That makes two of us! I don't know if anybody's ever told you this Aria, but your beauty is ever so distracting," he replied with that goofy grin I just loved.

"To be honest, I can't say anybody has ever said that. But I'm glad you're the first to say it," I said with a wink, "I love you so much, Ezra."

"I love you so much more, Aria." Ezra replied, kissing me gently on the lips.

It was time to say our goodbyes for the day, that was of course until I saw him again, in English for first period.

"Goodbye Baby Cakes," Ezra said with a small laugh, walking out of his apartment door.

"Goodbye BooBear" I said with a smile knowing I needed to do the same in about 50 seconds.

I stood at the doorway waiting until Ezra was out of sight. I had to wait at least 50 seconds before I could leave, it's just something we did so it didn't look suspicious or anything.

As I was waiting, I began wondering what life would be like without A. What my relationship with Ezra would be like without A. I wouldn't have to lie to him or hide things from him. All the stress and fear that comes from that bitch is over whelming at times. The girls and I are sometimes even too scared to go to school because we know that somebody walking past us in the hallways could ultimately be A; the person who has been causing us trauma and numerous amounts of problems for the past 10 months and counting now. We forever anticipate when the next threat from A will be, and wonder what they will have us do next.

However, I counted my blessings every day that I wasn't going through it alone. I had the girls who I could talk to about pretty much anything and everything! And of course Ezra, he knew me so well. Therefore, he knew just how to take my mind off things and calm me down when things got too tense. The only thing that worried me immensely was that our relationship could be exposed by A, someone who seems to know every detail about my life before I have even figured it out for myself. I worried that if that happened, Ezra would leave me. I could not bare it if that happened, as Ezra means everything to me and I know for sure that without him in my life, life wouldn't be worth living.

After 50 seconds of deep thoughts, I walked to my car and drove to school with a head full of thoughts about the day I was soon to face.

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