Chapter Ten

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Do exactly what I tell you and nobody will have to know about your relationship with Mr Fitz. Meet me at 23 Saltsburg Road tonight. 6pm. No negotiation and come alone. -A

This was the first message I read when I opened my eyes this morning. I knew that if I told any of the girls or Ezra they'd come running after me and A would make sure the whole of Rosewood knew about the relationship. However, if I went alone there might be a risk of serious danger.

I decided to just hide the message and clear my head as I got ready for Ezra's final day at Rosewood High.

Although you'd have expected me to be sad; I wasn't. I was happy. Really happy. When he leaves for Hollis, he will no longer be my teacher and that means it will be OK for us to be seen in public and I can kiss him wherever and whenever I want to.

I got changed into a short floral dress with a cute belt and a pair of my favourite ankle boots, then I left for school. Today was going to be a good day.


"Hey Aria!" Spencer said as I walked up to her locker.

"Hey! Where are the others?" I asked frowning because normally the whole group is here.

"Oh. Emily said she had to go meet up with the swim coach and hanna said she was going to meet Caleb for something important. I don't know what though" Spencer said getting her books from her locker.

"Alright then.... What do we have first?" I asked with a sigh.

"History." Spencer said smiling.

Although I loved history, I spent the whole lesson thinking about Ezra. I knew it was his last day and I wanted to spend the whole day with him but I knew I couldn't and that annoyed me. A lot.

When the bell rang, I walked with the girls up to the lockers again because that's where we always met before each lesson.

"So, how are you holding up Aria?" Emily said obviously talking about the baby.

"We are doing just fine." I said with a smirk rubbing my belly slightly.

"God Aria, can't you just skip the whole nine months crap and give birth now? I wanna meet my niece!" Hanna said really quietly with a huge grin written across her face.

"I wish! I haven't even told my parents about Ezra yet. We are doing it tonight before it gets too late." I said with a sigh.

"I really hope it goes well, I mean if they hate the idea of you two dating they are going to freak when they find out you're pregnant..." Spencer said as quietly as possible because I didn't want to be known as the slutty 17 year old that got knocked up by her teacher.

The school day dragged on quite a bit. We had English last period so we still had a couple more lessons until it was time to say goodbye to Mr Fitz.

In Art, I just doodled random things to keep me occupied whilst my teacher went on and on about blending techniques and all that crap. Suddenly, I got the urge to throw up and I held it in as long as possible before I raised my hand.

"Can I be excused, please?" I asked, my face was now drop white. My teacher didn't seem to care, he just nodded and the girls followed after me into the toilets.

I immediately threw up, about 5 times in fact. I rinsed out my mouth repeatedly and sprayed myself with loads of Hanna's Chanel perfume.

"Are you okay, Aria?" Emily asked looking really concerned.

"I'm fine. Really I am. I'm just sick of throwing up all the time, and having to be excused from lessons all the time will start to be getting suspicious and I don't know how this secret is going to stay a secret for much longer!" I said putting my head in my hands as I slid down against the wall.

"You're not okay then. Aria, you need some pills or something to ease the morning sickness a bit." Hanna suggested putting her hand in my arm.

"I don't wanna hurt the baby, are pills good for babies?" I asked looking at spencer.

"Don't look at me! You're the one that decided to get pregnant!" Spencer said rather harshly.

"Spence!" Hanna said slapping her arm.

"No Spencer you're right. I was stupid and I guess all of this could've been easily avoided. The baby was never planned, obviously, it was a mistake...." I said trailing off.

"Aria, your baby wasn't a mistake. It just happened accidentally but it will be an experience of a lifetime, you will be an amazing mother and we will help you!" Hanna said wiping my tears.

"It was a big accident. That slip should never have happened, everybody is going to hate me and as well as that Ezra could get arrested. This has just messed my whole life up." I said crying uncontrollably.

All the girls looked at me with concerned expressions on their faces.

"Don't worry Aria. We will not let anybody say anything to you about this. We are with you for the whole of this journey, we won't leave your side." Emily said.

"Thank you, for everything. I just hope I am the good mother you say I will be..." I say looking at Hanna.

"You will be. And we will try our best to be the best aunties we can possibly be." Hanna said with a smile.

"You guys will be the best aunties in the world, now let's go to lunch." I said getting up and sniffling slightly.

We walked to our usual spot in the canteen and sat around the table discussing anything but the baby because they all knew it was a touchy subject.

My eyes suddenly caught sight of Ezra. He was stood talking to some teachers and he kept looking over at me and I kept smiling at him. All the girls just smiled at how cute we were and I laughed at their continuous enthusiasm over our relationship.

After what seemed like forever, we finally went to English. I was so happy because I could finally talk to Ezra after waiting all day.

When I walked into the room he looked at me and I looked at him. We couldn't keep our eyes off each other, we both wanted each other so badly but right there in that moment, all we could do was just smile sweetly at one and other whilst I took my seat and prepared myself for a pretty emotional English lesson.

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