Chapter Nine

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"Did you have a nice time at Hanna's?" My mom asked as we walked through the front door.

"Um yeah, yeah it was really good." I said as calmly as I could.

"Are you all set for the English Exam?" Ella asked setting her bag down on the table.

"As ready as I could ever be!" I said with a smile.

"Good. I don't suppose you've eaten have you?" Ella asked looking in our almost empty fridge.

"Not unless an apple and a cup of coffee counts as dinner" I said laughing.

"Go upstairs and study or something whilst I grab you and mike a bite to eat from that Chinese place down the road" Ella said shutting the fridge door and grabbing her keys from her bag.

I couldn't help but smile knowing that this was the exact same Chinese place Ezra and I get our food from pretty much every weekend I'm with him. I continued to smile at the thought of being with him eating noodles on his couch...

I then did what I was told and went upstairs happily. I poked my head round Mikes door and said; "Moms gone to get take out. I told her to get them really nice chicken noodles that you like."

"Great, but Aria ... Um ... I need to ask you something and I want you to tell me the truth." He said looking into my eyes.

"Sure, anything." I said coming into his room and closing the door behind me.

"I got a message from somebody, I don't know who or how they got my number but they told me something. They told me that you and Mr Fitz were... Involved. And they also told me you are pregnant. I-is it true? I don't know what to believe until you tell me, Aria." Mike said looking up at me waiting for me to answer.

I swear I almost threw up, not from the baby but from pure shock. My little brother knew about the two biggest secrets of my whole life and I was speechless, I didn't know where to begin.

"Um..." I trailed off.

"Aria? The truth..." He said raising his eyebrows.

"Ok, it's true. All of it. But I've known Ezra for over a year now, I knew him before he was my teacher. It's very confusing and I couldn't expect you to possibly understand everything. What did the message say?" I asked quietly.

He said nothing, he just held up his phone. The message shown on the screen was from A, just as I expected.

Your sister hasn't been telling you everything. She hasn't told you anything, in fact. But I will. Has she told you about the fact she's dating her teacher; Ezra Fitz? Oh, and I bet she hasn't told you about the fact she's also been knocked up too, has she? Your sister is such a liar, Mike and she deserves to be exposed... -A

"Oh no." I said pacing the floor with my head in my hands.

"What?" He asked worriedly.

"You don't understand Mike, A has been ruining my life since the day of Ali's funeral over a year ago! A told all my friends this morning and now he has told you," I said with a shaky breath, my eyes welling up, "Everybody is going to end up finding out and I can't do anything about it." I said on the verge of breaking down into floods of tears.

"You could break up with him? You do know it's illegal and wrong? If mom and dad found out then...."

"NO. Absolutely not. I am not going to break up with him and mom and dad will not find out until Mr Fitz and I decide to tell them." I said sternly, shaking my head.

"Wow. You really do love him huh..." Mike said staring at the ground.

"Yeah I do..." I said smiling, "Please don't tell anyone, especially not mom or dad." I said putting my hand on his shoulder.

"I won't. You're my sister, besides telling on each other is so ten years ago! Don't worry, I promise." He said with a smile.

"Thank you, little bro" I said messing with his hair. Just then, we were interrupted by my mom. "DINNER's HERE" she yelled from downstairs.
I sighed and walked out of Mikes room. I was just about to take my first step down stairs when my phone flashed.

I know your brother promised to keep quiet but would your parents? Once they find out about your naughty relationship with your English teacher or the fact that he got their daughter pregnant, they are going to dis own you for life. So, what shall I tell them first? Kisses, -A

A was going to tell my parents real soon and Ezra still hadn't started that job at Hollis yet. I could almost hear A's evil laugh in my mind. Maybe we should tell them, tomorrow. I just hoped there wasn't going to be a huge blow out like I always imagined there would be.


After the Chinese, I went upstairs and messaged Ezra as quickly as I could.

Hey, can we tell my parents tomorrow after school? I think they are ready to know and I think I am ready to tell them. That's only if you feel ready, -Aria

Within a few minutes, he'd replied to my message.

Of course. Whenever you want to do it, I will do it with you. These little baby steps will really help in the long run. -Ezra

I just smiled because he used the words "baby steps". I imagined our little toddler learning how to walk in Ezra's apartment. That will be one of the best moments of my life.

I agree. Love you - Aria

I then put down my phone and let my eye lids droop as I rubbed my belly softly. "I love you" I whispered looking down at my soon to be huge belly.
I can't wait to become a mother to Ezra's child. I obviously didn't expect it so soon but whatever happens in life happens for a reason, right?

I then fell asleep with my hand resting softly on my belly knowing that in another nine months, there would be a new addition to the family whether my parents liked it or not.

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