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(Jimin's POV)

"Alright Baby Mama, let's get you inside. It's freezing out here."

Guiding the small girl out of he seat and into his arms Jimin tenderly nuzzles his nose against her baby soft cheeks, her tiny coos of protest sealing his heart in ever increasing admiration.

I like the feeling of when you're in my arms like this...part of me wishes I could keep you here forever...away from all of that bullshit at school...

Even at the mall...all those idiots staring at you like that...I can speak much...because I stared at you once that way...however...the difference is...from that moment forward....you did something to me....

Giving the girl tiny kisses all over her cheeks and slowly walking up the stairs towards the apartment Jimin's eyes shift to the tall figure standing in front of the door, his heart constricting so hard he almost drops Y/N from his safe embrace.


"Jimin? Is everything okay-"

"Go inside."

What is she doing here.

What is she doing here?!


"Go inside Baby Mama. Right now."

Swallowing hard and lowering his voice into a whisper only Y/N can hear Jimin keeps his sharp gaze on the woman as the girl gazes at him in concern but gives in, her small form padding over to the door.

"Let her through. She isn't part of this."

"Really? It seems like it-"

"Let. Her. Through."

Holding his feet firmly against the concrete floor and watching the woman hesitantly step away from the door Y/N quickly scampers inside of the house and shuts the door, a small push of relief releasing from his chest when he hears the door lock.

Thank goodness...

"I didn't figure I would catch you in such an act?"

"Shut up. This isn't what you think it is."

"I didn't think my own son would do this? After I gave you so much?"

"I told you never to come around me again or else I would get a restraining order. What the hell are you doing here Mother?!"

Staring at the put together woman now standing in front of him with her arms crossed in front of her perfectly pleated dress, her sharp eyes mimicking his disgusted glare as she lets out an exasperated sigh.

"Honestly Jimin? Bringing one of those girls here? I thought you would have at least become somewhat of a proper human being."

"Shut up! This has nothing to do with her. Leave her out of your mouth. Why are you here."

Having a silent standoff with his mother Jimin feels his heart beginning to entangle with anxiety and his knees beginning to shake, his hand reaching up to clench his T-shirt into his fist.

Shit...here it is again...this feeling...

"...I saw you aren't going to half your classes anymore. I thought something was up and you changed your phone number. This was the only way to reach you."

"Usually when someone changes their number and doesn't give it to you, that means they don't want to be contacted."

"Why aren't you going to your classes anymore."

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