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"Well....um...this is interesting."

Covering your mouth with your hands as Jimin pulls out his now pink colored T-shirts from the dryer, his cheeks turning the same color as the clothing as he shoves them back into the laundry basket and chuckles in heavy embarrassment.

"J-Jimin...I-I'm sorry..."

"It isn't your fault Baby Mama...I should have remembered that the maids would separate the colors..."

"C-Can you still wear them?..."

"Well yeah I mean...I guess I just have a ton of pink T-shirts now, the important thing though is now you have some comfortable clothes to wear."

Turning to the side you let out a tiny giggle when Jimin tugs his red sweatshirt over your head so it cloaks your body, your eyes narrowing happily when the warmth hits your skin.

"Mmmm...that feels so nice..."

"Im going to carry these baskets up to the apartment first okay Baby? Stay here and hold onto the handle so no one gets an idea to theft my little beauty."

Giggling to yourself and grabbing onto the handle of the stairs you watch Jimin lift up both of the laundry baskets now filled with clothes your eyes soften when he slowly makes his way up the stairs, his gaze flicking down to you from the top rail once he sets the baskets down in front of the door.

"Damn, you look beautiful from every angle Baby Mama."

"S-Stop it..."

Giving Jimin a frown when he gets down to you from the top of the stairs it soon fades when he pecks a tiny kiss on your lips before lifting you up into his embrace.

"Are you ready to go put these clothes away now?

"Mhm...I'm tired again..."

"I know Baby Mama, let's go so you can eat and lay down."

Laying your face into his neck and letting out a little sigh you can feel Jimin's heartbeat against your chest, the hard thumping practically lulling you to sleep as the male holding you unlocks the front door of the apartment and gently sets you down inside of the door.

"Thank you for carrying me..."

"Don't thank me Baby Mama, you're my most precious cargo that I have."

Taking a seat on the couch next to Joy who is stretched out completely asleep you wait for Jimin to set one of the laundry baskets in front of you, a small grin growing on your face as you begin pulling out your shirts and putting the hangers on them like Jimin does.

I'm actually doing house chores...this is so cool...I got to learn how to use a washing machine today!

"Hey...Baby Mama?"


"What did you mean by it wouldn't be pretty if you had touched the laundry stuff in your house?"

Freezing in your spot while putting a hanger in one of your shirts you swallow hard and let out a small sigh, your eyes gently fluttering in light embarrassment.

"U-Um...w-well...I-I was pretty much...forced to stay in my bedroom my entire life. If I left while I was at home, I got hit."


"Y-Yeah...Mother...would hit me if I came out of my bedroom once I got home from school. I was to go in my room and study. I had a restroom in my bedroom too that they built when I was in kindergarten and kept getting caught going in the restroom just so I could be out of my bedroom..."

"So you never left? Not ever?"

"....The few times I tried I would get hit a lot. Mother or father would punish me by either hitting me or taking my food for the day."

"Oh my god....Baby...."

Staring down at the shirt hung on the hanger you swallow hard before your eyelashes lightly flutter trying to control the tears that well in your eyes, your toes nervously wiggling against the carpet.

"I-It's okay..."

"Is that...is that why you were so thin?...because they would take your food?"

"...No. it was because all my life, as far back as I can remember, I've had nothing but a small bowl of plain rice a day. Nothing with it."

"Are you serious?!"

"Mhm...a few times I was hospitalized for being malnutritioned but mother would just immediately check me out and take me home...she would just give some kind of excuse that I was a troubled child or that we were having a hard time affording food...yet my mother would be standing there in designer clothing."

"So...your clothes...when you got here..."

"Mother said it was improper for a lady to show any part of her or have shape. She had someone sew those clothing items for me out of old blankets and jeans found at discount stores."

"...What the fuck."

Looking over at Jimin as a single tear rolls down your face you shake your head before hanging up another shirt and putting it to the side, your hand swiping away the tear as Jimin gently touches your back.

"P-Please don't think of me differently Jimin...I-I'm not some fragile flower...I-I don't want to be treated like a victim..."

"Babygirl...I would never treat you like a victim...but...you are a victim...you're a victim of abuse...of a horrific degree it sounds like..."

"Jimin...I-I don't...I-...I-I..."

Completely losing your composure and hiding your face into your hands tears begin spilling out of your eyes, Jimins arms gently wrapping you in his embrace.

"It's okay Baby Mama...let it out...."

"I-I-I...I'm Sorry!"

"Shhh it's alright Babygirl..."

Wiping your eyes quickly to try to get rid of the tears you avoid Jimin's gaze until he places both his hands on your cheeks and lifts your face up to look at him, his lips kissing away a few of the tears rolling down your cheeks.

"I'm happy you told me about this Y/N-ah."

"Y-You are?...."

"Of course....I feel like I know so much more about you now...I'm just so sorry that all of that happened to you...but I promise...it doesn't change how I view you...or how much I love you."

Crawling into his embrace and burying your face into his neck you feel your belly pressing against his as he runs his hands up and down your back, your voice only coming out in a small strangled whisper.

"Th-Thank you so much for my baby Jimin..."

"What are you talking about Babygirl?"

"Thank you...f-for that night...f-for my Baby...f-for everything..."

"I don't understand Baby..."


"Don't you mean Our baby?"

(A/N): 😌

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