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"Promise you'll stay with me for a long time?..."

Oh my goodness.

Sitting down at one of the tables in front of the coffee shop slowly refilling the straw containers you find yourself lost in memories of last night, your cheeks tinting pink each time Jimin crosses your mind.

He asked me to stay with him for a long time....that felt different than when he wanted me to keep living with him...

This was almost...like...


"Oh, Hi Shuka! S-Sorry I'm not done yet..."

"That's okay, business is slow today anyway. I brought you a fresh baked muffin and something to drink!"

Gazing up at the boy as he sets the muffin down in front of you your cheeks stretch up into a tender grin, his shoulder bumping yours when he takes the seat beside you.

"I'll finish this up so you can eat! Don't worry about filling these."



"I-I don't mean any offense when I ask this...but...why are you so protective over when I eat?...Like when you told Minnie that stuff the other day?.."

For the first time since meeting the young male you watch the smile slowly fade away from his face and his eyes revert from your questioning gaze, his fingers nervously pushing his glasses up his nose.

"Oh...Um...I-I don't wanna make you angry..."

"Angry? Why would it make me angry?..."

Letting out a deep sigh and laying down the pile of straws in his hand Shuka clasps his hands together tenderly, his gaze shifting upwards to look into your questioning eyes.

"I...um...I don't know if this is your situation or whatnot...but when I met you...e-even though it hasn't been very long...just to me looking in...you seemed to have gained some weight in the time I met you...and you're such a little person...i-it kind of came off....like you had an eating disorder."


.....What's an eating disorder?

"I-I don't mean any offense Y/N-Chan! I-I promise! I just...I didn't wanna say anything in case it made you upset at me..."

Gently scratching the top of your head in light confusion you gaze out at the boy in front of you, his entire face overridden in a cherry red blush.

"I...Is it because I'm so small?..."

I don't understand what he's saying...what's an eating disorder?

I mean...obviously it's a disorder about eating...but I think I eat okay?

....am I eating the wrong things?

.....is it the chicken?

"My...M-My mother had an eating disorder..."

"She did?"

"Mmm...I know I talk about my family to you a lot...but honestly everything I saw is mostly the past...You see...in countries like these...especially in Japan the beauty standard for women is pretty extreme...and my mother she always wanted to be looked at as beautiful...she wanted to enter the room and captivate everyone with her beauty...s-so she dieted a lot...and wouldn't eat the meals she made for us at the family dinner table...."


.....Minnie diets a lot?...

"I-I'm sorry Y/N-Chan...I probably shouldn't be telling you all of this..."

"No! It's okay Shuka! You can tell me anything!"

Reaching out and gently touching the top of the boys crossed hands as he moves his gaze up to you, a soft sigh emitting from his pouting lips.

"C-Continue your story Shuka...I'm listening."

"....For a long time it worked for my mother...not eating well and stuff...when she walked in a room everyone really did envy her...women wanted to be as thin as her...and men wanted to be with her...H-However...she didn't stop at that...she didn't stop when she was thin enough...she kept going...and ended up developing a terrible eating disorder...I tried my hardest to try to convince her to eat...but she just kept refusing...my father even threatened to leave her if she didn't stop...she was in and out of treatment centers for years...until...three years ago...she passed away from it..."


Squeezing the boy's hand and gazing into his eyes swirling with pain and sorrow he simply nods his head and gives you a sad grin, one of his hands moving to rest on top of yours.

"If that isn't what's going on Y/N-Chan then I am so terribly sorry...I mean no offense to you...I just...when I saw you eating and gaining weight I just got so angry when that girl tried to take your food away...I couldn't help it! With my mother...all it took was a friend saying that they didn't want to eat fat food, or that they needed to shed a few pounds and days later she was in the hospital dehydrated and malnourished...so I got protective over your food..."

"I'm so sorry that happened to your family Shuka...that must have been really painful...however I promise you...I actually like to eat! I've gotten to eat a lot of good foods that Ji- I-I mean I've found lately..."

I almost slipped up!

Watching a cool relaxed expression overtake Shuka's face he gives you a wide grin while grabbing your hands, his glasses pushing up his nose when it scrunched from smiling.

"Good! Don't worry Y/N-Chan I'll make you a muffin every morning if you like! You get to eating! I'll finish up these napkin holders!"

Gently smiling at the boy before returning to the warm muffin in front of you your eyes linger over Shuka's thin form, your heart lightly sinking down to your stomach.

Eating disorder....

.....I didn't choose not to eat though...I would have eaten good food like everyone else in school...

I just....Wasn't allowed to eat?...

...is that considered an eating disorder?

...Although...I guess it's good that he doesn't guess that I'm pregnant...

...As long as it doesn't effect my chicken then I'm okay.

....mmm...now I want chicken...

Little baby why are we so obsessed with chicken?!

(A/N): Thank you for 200K 🥺
Also, I saw that you guys don't exactly like when the author includes the characters outfits in the stories because it makes it cheesy, so does that mean you don't want me to include outfits anymore??

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