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(Y/N's POV)


Who's that girl sitting by Jimin today...


I think she's trying to ask him to the dance!


How many girls are going to ask him to that?!


Snapping out of your inner thoughts threaded with jealousy and rage you look down at the whipped cream that now covers your entire hand, your eyes widening at the soft pile of topping then up to Shuka who slowly removes the can from your hand.

"Oh...oh my goodness...I-I'm sorry Shuka..."

"It's okay...I just didn't want you to empty the whole can on your hand...is something bothering you?"

"Uh...N-No! I'm fine! I just got a little distracted...that's all..."

"Here, let me wipe off your hand."

Allowing your face to slip into a small pout as Shuka grabs a wet cloth and begins wiping the whipped cream off your fingers dread seeping into your chest when you hear high heels chirping across the tiled library floors.

"Hey Y- oh? Am I interrupting something?"

"No Minnie. I just got whipped cream on my hand."

Slowly tugging your hand away from Shuka's grasp you step up to the counter while he heads to the back, your lips never leaving their pout when Minnie wiggles her perfectly plucked eyebrows in your direction.

"Look at you Y/N. You're getting pretty popular with Shuka."

"Minnie...it isn't like that."

"Really? I don't know, everyone in the school pretty much thinks you're a couple."


They think we're a couple?

Does Jimin think Shuka and I are a couple?!

"Why...Why would people think that?..."

"You and Shuka pretty much walk everywhere together! I mean how romantic that he holds your backpack for you when you go up the stairs, he sat with you at lunch, you guys work together everyday in this shop. It's the perfect scenario for a growing relationship."

....He thinks I have an eating disorder...whatever that is...

"....I'm not in a relationship with Shuka Minnie."

"Not yet anyway, plus I see you dressing up more and more everyday, that isn't a coincidence?"

...I'm not dressing up for Shuka...I'm dressing up so Jimin calls me pretty....and he's the one that bought me the clothes...

"You know, I bet Shuka is going to ask you to the dance."

Widening your eyes and snapping them up at the girl playfully tapping her nails on the top of the counter you feel your entire form suddenly overcome with rage, your expression fueled with obvious agitation.

"I don't want to be asked to the dance."

"But you're free now? You can do whatever you want?"

"No, YOU can do whatever you want Minnie. I have bigger things to think about than some formal."

"....You can still go to a formal Y/N? If a cute guy asks you to a dance you'll say no? Hasn't that always been your dream since we were kids?"

Closing the cash register and resting your hands on the counter your expression suddenly weighs down in a light sadness, your eyes staring directly into Minnie's as your voice lowers into a soft whisper.

"Dreams, much like people, change Minnie. That was a little girl's dream. I have different things I want for my life now."

"Wow you sound like my dad."

Your dad was the only one who had a brain in your house obviously.

"It must be your Ya know, hormone brain. I just wanted to let you know so you aren't shocked whenever things build up with you and that Shuka kid. Ciao."

Nodding your head and watching Minnie spin on her heels and take off out of the library you gently push your fingers through your hair, a deep sigh of agitation exhaling from your lungs.

Don't cry don't cry don't cry don't cry.

Little baby please don't make me cry right now, I'm already too frustrated I don't need to cry on top of it.

Minnie is putting pressure on me trying to find out information about Jimin I just know it.

She's just trying to get inside my head.

I have to let it go.

I have to keep my goal.

Peeking over at Jimin who pays no attention to the female batting her lashes in his direction your quickly turn your head away when Ella walks by the window, your hands balling into fists at your sides.

If it wasn't for how mean Ella is...I wouldn't be worried about walking with Jimin in the hallways...

He could hold my backpack instead.

He could sit with me at lunch.

Shuka is a good friend...but I don't want people thinking him and I are a couple...

I don't even know the first thing about how to be a couple with somebody!

I...I know Jimin says he doesn't like those other girls...but still...he didn't want to be with me at first...he wanted to go around and be with all those pretty girls that dress up and know how to act around a boy...I can't even talk to Jimin without stuttering and messing up my words...

Slowly sitting down at the lunch table and placing the money of the day in the small safe spot the shop can close down you look back at Shuka stacking all the boxes up in a tower in the back room, your lips falling into a frown when he knocks them over and goes toppling down onto the ground.

"I'm okay! I'll clean this up! You sit there!"

Shuka just thinks I have some kind of disorder I don't know about...he's probably just being nice to me because he thinks something is wrong with me...

Little baby....life is so frustrating...

When I lived at home I was frustrated because I couldn't go outside...or eat proper food that I watched everyone else eat...

But now I'm frustrated about completely different things!

I just...I wish I knew how to tell Jimin how I feel about him...and I wish..I even knew what it is I'm feeling...

I just know I want to go to the dance...but with no one else...

I wanna go to the dance...with Jimin...

(A/N): *sigh* I'm sorry it took me so long to post this 😞

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