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"Yes Pretty Girl?"

Gently threading your fingers through Jimin's thick locks as he sleeps with his head on your lap you press your lips together shyly, the flickering of the movie on the tv the only lighting in the small living room.

"Do you...think...Jimin...actually cares for me?..."

"What do you mean?"

"Well...I...I-I....I'm not sure if I'm supposed to say anything...but Jimin lately has been going to therapy...and ever since he started going he's acted different around me...e-even asked me to be his girlfriend..."


Gently swallowing the lump forming in your throat you continue soothing the sleeping boy with his face pressed against your belly, your heart slowly dropping down into your stomach at the odd emotions swirling around in your mind.

"....Well...I got on my computer...and read about therapy...because I wasn't too sure what it was...but I saw a thing...where a guy thought a girl was in love with him...a-and she really thought she was too...but it turns out it was just the therapy doing it...and in the end...sh-she fell in love with someone else...and left therapy..."

Silence befalls the living room as Jungkook takes in everything you said before he lets out a soft sigh, his round doe eyes gazing at you in growing curiosity as his arms cross at his chest.

"Well...I guess that's a good question to ask...what would make you think that Hyung wouldn't actually care about you?"

"N-Nothing...he hasn't done anything...it's just...h-his change was so drastic...that story made me nervous...that maybe it was just the therapy doing it..."

"The change wasn't very drastic Pretty Girl."

Moving your gaze from Jimin over to Jungkook you watch a warm grin creep up on the bunny-like boy's lips, his feet shifting against the carpet to push him up into a better sitting position.

"Nothing about Jimin Hyung changed super drastically...he just didn't fight it."

"...What do you mean?"

"Well, for example, this is the first time I've seen him actually sleep."


"Well, once I saw you guys sleeping in your bedroom when I went to tell him I was leaving, but when we were younger, especially after his father died Jimin Hyung didn't let anyone see him in a vulnerable state. When I fell asleep he was still awake, and when I woke up he was already awake. He's never been the kind to let anyone get that close to him, even me and other than you I'm probably the closest person to him."

You didn't let anyone see you sleeping?...

Turning your attention back to the sleeping male on your lap you watch his chest slowly rise up and down with each breath he takes, your heart slowly beginning to throw away the negative emotions you had earlier.

"So...I guess I shouldn't be scared?.."

"Being in love is scary Pretty Girl, even if you know 100% that they love you more than life itself. You never know when your live is going to change and if it'll be for the better or worse. However...when it comes to Jimin Hyung's care for you..I wouldn't question it."

"...Really?...you think so?..."

"I know so, because never in his life has anyone taken the time to ever truly give a shit about him. His father used him as an emotional leaning post and his mother mentally abused him since he was a toddler. His therapy isn't all about his relationship with you, it's about his relationship with himself."

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