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"...Well the lock could definitely be better on this one."

After shoving his shoulder against the door to finally pop the lock your eyes widen when Jimin lets out a nervous chuckle, his hands shoving in his pockets as he peeks around the empty home.

"Okay, I think we can go inside now."

Nodding and following behind the boy your lips gently part when you see the beautiful wooden floors that welcome your sights the second you enter the home, your hands linking together as you gaze over at Jimin.

"This house is really pretty."

"You think so? Why not look around. I want the first house I put together to be something really nice."


Shyly walking around the living room area you peek into the kitchen and scan the small area with a tiny stove and counters, Jimin's head poking out right beside yours as he gently frowns.

"The kitchen is tiny."

"Yeah....I-If it's a young family...wouldn't they want a big kitchen? Or..a bigger kitchen at least?"

"Mhm. Let's move on to the other room."

"I-Is it really okay that we just...w-walk around these?"

"Well of course Baby Mama, these houses don't have anyone living in them and we're interested in them, that's why I have the keys."

Gosh this feels so strange...other than the apartment I've never been allowed to freely walk around everywhere...

Making your way down the small hallway you turn your head into one of the rooms and feel your cheeks stretch into a small grin when you see the pink painted walls, Jimin's eyebrows raising as he comes behind you and slips his arms around your waist.

"Th-This must have been a child's room..."

"How cute."

I wonder if we can paint your walls in the apartment pink like this Little Baby...it would probably make you so happy...

Taking a walk through the entire rest of the house you come back to the living room where Jimin stands leaned against the wall, his eyes flicking up to you when you gently shake your head.

"Not this one?"

"N-No....this is really nice...but it kind of seems better for someone older...m-maybe not a family starting out..."

What am I saying, as if I'm prissy...this really is a pretty house...

"Alright then, onto the next one."

Giving Jimin another nod you follow him outside of the home and nervously push down the front of your dress, your teeth nibbling at the inside of your lip when he leads you back to the car.

"Honestly I didn't really like this house either, it was my last pick out of the list of them they gave me. I figured we could get this one out of the way first."

Oh...so Jimin didn't like it either..so I'm not alone!



"C-Can.....can we....can we paint the walls for our baby pink?..."

"I'm not sure Baby Mama...I'll have to ask the apartment manager if it's okay. Usually they don't let you paint the walls."

Oh darn...that makes sense though...

Jimin must have seen the disappointment painted on your face when you feel a light kiss peck on your cheek, your head turning to look at him as he starts the car.

+Positive+ The Second Trimester |PJM Fanfiction |Where stories live. Discover now