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(Jimin's POV)

...Holding hands?

Holding hands?


"What the Hell?!"

Slamming his fist down onto the lunch table as hard as possible making his breakfast tray bounce up into the air Jimin stands straight up while glaring into the library, his actions causing other students around him to gaze at him in shock and surprise.


He's holding her hand.

Shoebox is holding her hand!

"Hyung sit down."

"Huh? Oh."

Snapping back to reality and quickly plopping his body back into the seat beside Jungkook Jimin continues to stare at the back of Shuka's head, his entire chest overwhelmed with rage and flaring jealousy.

Why would he hold her hand.

I knew it.

He likes her.

He's trying to weasel his way into her life.

"Hyung what is wrong with you? You look like you're about to murder someone."

"I might."

"...What is going on?"

Flicking his eyes over to Jungkook who stares at him with wide eyes Jimin let's out a frustrated sigh, his face weighed down with a permanent frown.

"He...He's holding her hand."


"Yeah him."

"....Hyung....are you jealous?"

"Jealous? No way....I..it's just...."

"It's just what?"

Shifting his body uncomfortably and moving his gaze onto the tiny girl eating her muffin with a smile on her face Jimin feels his eyes soften at the very sight of her, his heart slowly sinking to the bottom of his stomach.

"...She...hasn't been around a lot of guys..."

"Yeah? And?"

"...Well..what if...wh-what if I'm not what she wants anymore...."

The air around the two boys goes completely silent as Jimin continues to watch Y/N inside of the library, his hands balling into light fists at his sides.

That guy is clearly really nice...he holds her bag for her...and didn't end up with her because of a party...

......He also wasn't ever mean to her in any way...

......He's a better man than I am...



"If you're so scared about losing her, then instead of comparing yourself to someone, ask her to be yours."

Widening his eyes and turning his head over to his best friend with a playful grin painted on his face, his tone remaining calm and low so no one other than Jimin can make out his words.


"The early bird gets the worm Hyung. If you don't want to have to live jealous, then make her yours."

....Make her mine....

"I...I don't know...it's obvious she hasn't a lot of life experience...she could want something more than I could give.."

Moving his gaze back to Y/N his entire heart swells with warmth when he catches the girl staring at him with her big innocent eyes, her lips stretching up into a gentle grin when their eyes meet.


"Trust me Hyung. If she would have wanted something else, she wouldn't have agreed to stay with you. She knows she could go out and live somewhere else, hell she knows she could even come and lived with me if she wanted."

"....She does?..."

"Mhm. I've never mentioned it, and I'm sure neither has she but on our way to one of her appointments I asked her if she wanted to stay with me, and she so cutely declined."

...She declined...living with someone as nice as Jungkook?...

"I...I had no idea about that."

"Why do you think I threatened you so sternly? The look she had in her eyes that day...I figured there was something going on with you. Ever since you met her, you've changed, and so has she."

She is different...she smiles a lot more now...

"However Hyung, all of that goes in vain if you don't take the chance and ask her to be yours. If you take too long, someone really could end up stealing her heart away."

When the bell rings and jolts Jimin out of his thoughts he calmly watches Y/N and Shuka exit the library together, his heart constricting at the happy smile painted across her face brimming in a soft glow.

Mmm...make her mine...

That sounds nice...

Someone all of my own...that chooses me...that genuinely wants to be around me....

Although...if you didn't want to be mine...I'm not sure I could stand the rejection...it would kill me to hear you say no...

...Am I holding onto hope?...

...Or am I running away with fear...


[Flashback: Jungkook's POV)

"Say...Pretty Girl?"

"Yes Jungkook?"

Gazing over at the girl gently fixing her shirt over her tight jeans Jungkook pushes her stray hairs behind her ear, his smile causing a tiny blush to erupt on the girls face.

"Can I ask you something?"

"S-Sure Jungkook...of course..."

"Would you like to come live with me?"

Carefully examining Y/N's features as she tightens her hands into small fists and pulls her bottom lip into her mouth to nibble on it Jungkook raises an eyebrow at her hesitance, a tiny playful grin trying to creep along his lips.

"U-Um...L-Live with you?..."

"Mhm. If things are unbearable for you at my Hyung's house, you can come live with me and my parents. I know the stress all of this is putting on your body and if you lived with me, my Appa could keep a close eye on you. My Eomma would love you too, she's always wanted a daughter."

The car goes silent for a few moments as Y/N nervously gazes over at Jungkook with pink cheeks, the boys heart swelling when she finally opens her mouth and speaks.

"Um..a-actually Jungkook...it..it isn't really unbearable to live with Jimin...s-sure at first he was pretty mean...b-but I think Jimin has a good heart...I think...I think he just needs to be around more people that treat him kindly...that's all..."

Relaxing back in his car seat and nodding his head lightly Jungkook puts the car into drive and pulls out of the parking lot, his entire face lit up in a bright grin.

Hyung...I was right, you really must be changing.

Love really does change the world doesn't it.

[End Flashback]

(A/N): T^T so cute.

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