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Oh no.

This was a bad idea.

Standing in the hallway wearing the new item that you and Samyeon picked out you feel your nerves spike as you stare at the front door, your entire face already overcome in a blush.

Jimin spoke out to me about not wanting...this...

So why would I wear this?!

I need to go change.

If he sees me in this maybe he'll get mad!

Or maybe he won't like it!

I need to go change right now.

Yep that's it, I'm going to change-

"Hey Baby Mama I got-"


Jumping back you let out a small yelp when you see Jimin completely fall through the door the second he lays his eyes on you, all the shopping bags breaking his fall as he holds himself up and stares at the floor wide eyed.

"J-J-Jimin! A-Are you okay?!"

Scampering over to the male when he stands back up Jimin stares at your lacy form and a blush completely overtakes his face, his eyes unable to leave you as his lips part in surprise.


"Are you okay?! A-Are your hands hurt?"

"No...I...um...I'm f-fine....but...what is this?..."

Stepping forward Jimin's eyes change and soften as he reaches out with one hand and feels the thin material that covers your lower body, your heart rate spiking the minute you see the look that flashes in the male's deep ebony orbs.

"It's...I-I got it today...I...I-I wanted to show it to you..."

"Show it to me? Well damn Baby Mama..."

"J-Jimin what about the bags-"

"I could really care less about the bags right now."

Pushing the bags to the side with his feet Jimin shuts the door of the apartment and gently lifts you into his embrace, his eyes staring up at you before he presses a small kiss on your chest.

"Damn...you fill this out really nice."


Blushing hard you look down into Jimin's eyes and feel your heart spike with excitement when he begins walking back towards the bedroom, a small grin appearing on the male's lips as he continues peppering little kisses on your chest.

"You're going to be the death of me someday you know that."

"I-I am?..."

"Mhm. First the little trick with the red dress and now I walk into this? You have a wonderful way of surprising me."

Sitting you down on the bed you bite your lip in excitement when Jimin looks you up and down, a deep sigh escaping from his chest as you play with the thin material that lays over your legs.

"S-So...does that mean...th-that I look like a woman to you?..."


"Th-This...and...and my p-pretty makeup...n-now that I have these things...I-I look like a woman n-now don't I?...."

"....Baby Mama...."

Heaving another sigh you watch Jimin's expression soften as he leans down and looks into your nervous eyes, his hands reaching over to grab the blue bag of makeup wipes before he sits down beside you and gently grasps your chin in his fingers.

+Positive+ The Second Trimester |PJM Fanfiction |Where stories live. Discover now