Chapter 13

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Next week is my one year anniversary with the love of my life, Alyssa. I remember when I laid eyes on her. I knew it was meant to be and I still can't believe she suck with me for a year, I think she did because she loves me. I this night to be very special for the both of us.


I am so ready for next week because my one anniversary with Taylor is coming up . I don't know what he planned but he told me to dress nice, so that meant it was time for me and Destiny to go shopping.

I call Destiny to see if she was home. She told me that she outside my house and I went downstairs to see if she was there.

"What are you doing here" I said

"Aren't we going shopping" she said

"How did you I needed to go shopping"? I said

"Unmmm ,we go shopping every 2 Saturdays" she said in confusing.

"Yeah, that's right".

So we went to the mall and found some pretty cute outfits. Then Destiny found this beautiful red dress. It was knee length and it was hugging every curve on me. We found some black flats. So we got that and went to the cash register and paid for it. so after that we went to the food court to get some to eat. After we got our food, we were talking about what we think is gonna happen on our anniversary. Destiny seems to think that Taylor is gonna kidnap me and never let me see her ever again. I told her that was never gonna happen. After that, my called me and told me to get my brother, Jonathan from camp.
My mom was working so he has to come home with me. I hope Taylor is ready to meet my crazy ass little brother. We pulled up to my house and we all get out and Taylor is in there. All of a sudden I hear a familiar voice. I wall in the living room and see Taylor and Tristan. Then Jonathan comes in.

"Hi my name is Jonathan".

"Alyssa, did u kidnap a child?" I hear Taylor say

No, this is my little brother.

Oh well hello Jonathan, my name is Taylor Caniff

"I know who are and you better be treating my sister with the proper respect, understand"

Of course, I will always respect her and love her

Then my cheeks were red and then I just started to smile.

How about you and Tristan go play outside in the back yard with Destiny

They all went outside and Taylor said something

You never told me you had a little brother.

Neither did you, one day a little boy rings my doorbell and tells me that he is your little brother.


Don't you feel dumb

Yea a little

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