Chapter 20

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Alyssa's POV

Today is Halloween. The twins were only 4 months old but I didn't just want to sit in the house all day. I called Destiny so she could come with us. Aaron and Taylor are out of town on Digi tour. Destiny and I dressed them up in their costumes. Tanner was Superman, and Ariana was Wonder Woman. They look so cute. I kept taking pictures. I posted one on Instagram with the caption "mommy's two superheroes @taylorcaniff . 5 minutes later I get a phone call from Taylor. I slide my finger to the right and heard Taylor's voice.

Hey Alyssa, I love the twins costumes.

Me too, me and Destiny are about to take them trick or treating.

Tell Destiny I said hi and that Aaron loves her

"Oh I know he loves me and Hi Taylor" Destiny said with no hesitation

"Well we have to go Taylor" I said

Noooooooooooooooooo. he says

"we have to go trick or treating", I said

"Kiss the twins for me and Aaron said Hey", Taylor said

They only girl he better be saying "Hey" to is me, Destiny said

Nah I'm just kidding.

"Taylor, I have to go now, talk to you later" I said

Alright, bye babygirl", he said

With that said, I ended the phone call by sliding my finger on the red button. It was time to go tick or treating. I went to pick up Tanner but he was mving his arms like he didn't want me to pick him up. Then Destiny picked him up and he just kept on looking in her brown eyes and then he started smiling. I think my babyboy likes Destiny more than me .


D- I think Tanner likes me

A- Agree, he gets that from his daddy

D- Tanner, I'm 22 years old and I have a boyfriend, I'm sorry.

A- Really Destiny?

D-Well it's true

We are now leaving out the house and the twins so cute. There were a lot of parents out with their kids, many teens were out too. As we were walking down the neighborhood, Destiny spotted someone she didnt want to see and I sure as hell didn't want to see this person whatsoever. It was my ex boyfriend, Karson and some girl. They saw us and walked up to us.


K- Hi Alyssa and Destiny

A-Hi Karson

D- (with a stank face) Hello, Karson, long time no see

K- This is my girlfriend and you already know who she is, Stacy

S- Hey Alyssa and Destiny, it's nice seeing you again, man it's been so long.

D- (with a bit of an attitude) Yes it has

K- Is this you niece and nephew?

A- No, These are my kids

K- Oh really, What are their names

A- Tanner and Arianna

K- You and your boyfriend Taylor are so lucky

A- Thank you , by the way, Me and Taylor have been married for 2 years now.

K- Oh ( looking disappointed)

A- Yeah , but it was nice seeing you again, but we gotta go

With that said we just left. Destiny kept on mumbling to herself. So I tapped her sholder.

"What the fuck is wrong with you Dest", I said

"Stacy kept on staring at me like she had a problem with me, but don't worry because when I see that bitch again, we gon fight". she said

"Why you always trying to fight"? I said

"I mean I don't want to fight her it's that BITCH got staring problems. Like sweetie I know I'm sexy and all but you ain't got to stare"😒 she said

"You stupid Destiny", I said

"I know right, can we please go trick or treating before we see somebody else that we both don't want to see?" She said

We started walking again. We went to every house in the neighborhood and the babies got a lot of candy. They can't eat any ways so I'll have to put in some type of basket or something. We walked back to the house and Tanner was sleep in Destiny's arms. It was so cute. We got the twins all cleaned up and put them in their pjs. Destiny and Tanner were in the rocking chair. I took a picture and it came out beautiful because Destiny looks like a model. I sent the picture to Taylor and Aaron with the caption, "Ooooo, Destiny has a new boyfriend😂😂😂". Taylor said "The pic looks beautiful. Watch out Aaron, you got some competition. Aaron said "Hey Tanner, I can only sleep on Destiny.
That was so funny after that Destiny and I put the twins in their cribs and me and her went in the living room and watch a movie until we got sleepy.

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