Chapter 3

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August First Day Of School

Alyssa POV

Today is the first day of school and I had my outfit ready and everything. I had a pink polka dot shirt with the let A on it. A white puffy skirt that came up to my knees,and some white tights with my pink vans and top it off I had a big fat pink bow for my hair.

I hopped in the shower, then I got out and I dried off and I put on a little bit of makeup. Blush, mascara, and pink lipstick. I straight all the curls out my hair the night before because my hair takes way to long to be straightening. I went down stairs and got my keys to my pink Convertible

And went to Starbucks

After Starbucks I went to school and I saw a lot of people and they kept on looking at me like I was famous ... I heard one girl say I was the girl who got on stage with Taylor Caniff. And speaking of him, I didnt see him until I got to my locker .

"Excuse me, but you kind of blocking my locker". I turn around and I see who it is. Then his whole face expression changed. HI Taylor, he couldn't say anything because I think he was looking at my outfit and then he said "you look amazing". And then I felt a lot of blood go to my cheeks .

T-Hey Alyssa

A- Hey Taylor

T- Can I see you schedule?


T- We have 4 classes together



A-Well if you want to sit next to me, we better get to class right now


I took his hand and walk to our class

Taylor's POV

So me and Alyssa went to Mrs. West's class and we sat in the front of the class but we sat by each other. I planned out my whole school year. 1st im gonna see her at her locker. 2nd I'm gonna walk her to our classes. 3rd I'm gonna sit by her in every class. 4th I'm gonna ask her if can be my girlfriend. Then we are going to live happily ever after. I think I'm going a bit too far because I don't even know her like that but I like her, wait I think I'm in love with her but I can't tell her that. Me and Alyssa were meant to be together.

I hope she feels the same way

Alyssa's POV

I can't believe me and Taylor have four classes together, + lunch so I hope he saves me a seat. And come to find out, he did save me a seat today

me and him were talking the whole lunch time . He told me that some of his friends from Magcon were attending our school next week. Knowing me, I was gonna freakout and tell Destiny. She's in love with Aaron Carpenter. and I want to see her reaction.


Today was the best day of school because I get to go to school with Taylor Fine Ass Michael Caniff

Then my phone popped me out of my thoughts. I had a message. Hopping its Taylor but I was wrong it's Destiny .

D- Hey

A- Hai

A- Wyd

D- I was about to ask you the same thing . But nothing I'm just sad.

A-why are you so sad?

D- because you have a boyfriend and I don't

A-I don't have a boyfriend

D- you and Taylor aren't dating?

A-no why would you think that

D-Gee I don't know, you were holding his hand today and you were sitting with him at lunch.

A- Jealous or naw

D- No

A- Guess what

D- What

A-The rest of the magcon boys and Aaron Carpenter is coming to our school next week

D-You are so lying

A- I don't lie

D- True dat

A- Do you want Aaron Carpenter to be your boyfriend

D- Yassss but it will never happen

A-Why do you say that

D- Because I'm a nobody he's a somebody

A. Stop saying that


D-.I got to go bye

A.- Bai

I thought to myself. she needs a boyfriend.I think Aaron should be her boyfriend.

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