Chapter 5

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Taylor's POV

Its midnight and all of the guys are down stairs watching Netflix. I'm in my room, in my bed just thinking about Alyssa. Then all of a sudden my phone buzz letting me know that I have a message. It was Alyssa.

Hey Taylor

Hey Alyssa

Can we talk?

Sure about what?

Well have u ever cried before

No. I lied

Well I crying

every time we talk you are always crying


What's the problem?

I saw Karson with another girl tonight and I was really pissed about it so I ran off crying in the bathroom

Whoa I know that had to hurt

It did. but I know that Karson just doing that to make me jealous

Well you don't deserve this

I know

Hey I gtg to sleep but we will talk tomorrow

Bye sweet dreams princess

Awee thanks

I fell so sad for her, Karson shouldn't have treated her that way. Let me see him anywhere and I promise I will have him in the hospital. And I don't lie

I threw my phone on the bed and started to hit the wall and Nash came in and saw that I was hitting the wall

Hey man are you okay, he asked

Yea man, I lied

What's wrong

Nothing , I'm fine

Are u sure?

Then I just started crying and told him everything about Alyssa.

It's gonna be alright man


Calm Down Taylor

Your right I need to calm down and focus on the positive

Then all of the others came up and was very confused and then Nash told them everything.

Look you guys , I don't know if I like or love Alyssa but I dont want to see her get at all .

Bro we fell you. Cam said

Alyssa POV


Alyssa, I love but I cant be with you anymore

Karson what did I do wrong

Nothing , I'm just not felling it any more. I'm sorry

No Karson don't gooooooooooo.

Then all of a sudden I fell off my bed and onto the floor and I had realize that it was a bad dream.

I texted Destiny to see what she was doing and she never texted back

Then I texts Taylor and asked what he was doing and he said nothing and that the guys were going out for the day to see what Texas was like.

Taylor can I come over


I'll be there in 20 minutes



I got in the shower and wash all the sweat off of me from last night's dream. I got out of the shower and brushed my teeth and then put on a little bit of makeup. I put on my Taylor Caniff shirt, black tights and and blue and black jordans and topped it off with a red bandana. Then I walked out the door and walked to his house. I knocked on the door and then waited until someone opened the door. It was Taylor

Taylor's POV

I opened the door and I see Alyssa was standing there wear one of my shirts.

Fan girling or naw.


Good because we're just friends and you don't have to act like I'm famous or something

So what do you want to do. She asked

Anywhere is fine, just as long as I am with you, I said in the lowest tone


Anywhere is fine

Oh lets go to the park


We arrived at the park and Alyssa got to the swing and asked if I could push her and I did. Then we went down the slide together and she smell like cotton candy. We sat down for a minute a talked about crazy stuff.

Taylor guess what?


I bet I can do more pull ups than you

Is that a challenge Calhoun?

I guess so Caniff

We both ran to the bar

She let me go first and I did 26 pull ups and then it was her turn and to my surprise she did 38 pull ups

Danm girl that was amazing how did you do that

I work out

Well I need to work out with you because I need all the help I can get

We both started laughing

Then we walked home

We went into my house. I offered her a cup of lemonade. And I saw that she looked sleepy so went up stairs and got a blanket for the both of us.

I came back down stairs and I see that she is gone I look everywhere, until I turned around and bumped into her and we were both on the floor, she was on floor and I was on top of her. I got up really quick and help her up .

Where were you, I was looking for you.

I was in the bathroom


Where did you go

I went to get a blanket because I saw u getting really sleepy so, though you were cold

Awwe thanks


(At the same time)

Do you want to watch a movie

We both started laughing

Sure lets watch The Fault In Our Stars

I love that movie, she said

I knew you would

We watched the movie, then in the middle of the movie I see Alyssa's eyes closed and I let her rest her head on my chest. I kissed her forehead. I watched the rest of the movie and started getting sleepy so I had Alyssa in my arms like a princess and I carried her to my room and let her sleep in my bed and got a blanket out of the closet and slept on the couch.

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