Chapter 11

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Aaron's POV

I don't know what Destiny's problem is. Ever since the party, she been acting strange lately. I tried to call and text her but she never answers. So I went on Twitter and found her name and dm her and she still didn't texts back. I'm starting to worry about her. Something scared me out of me out of my thoughts. The doorbell ranged. I thought it was Destiny, but it was the guys.

We all chilled out and I was worried about Destiny. So I told the guys I had to go to the bathroom, but I went to my room and cried about it. Then all of the guys came in my room.

"You okay man"?, said Nash.

"No, "I don't know if Destiny is dead or alive".

She fine, said Cameron

"She is at home, she just turned her phone off".said Jack Gilinsky

"How do you all know this"? I said

"Alyssa told us". We said in unison.

"Look man, we know you like her and we know that you are worried about her, but she's not ready for a relationship, said Cameron

"Oh yeah, how would you know", I said with an attitude

She told Alyssa and Alyssa told us.

She said that she doesn't want her heart broken by a guy again. Her last boyfriend, Jesse was cheating on her with one of those fake ass, prissy ass popular bitches. Her name was Michele. She was really doesn't like Megan because she is a backsrabber. said Taylor

"I would never cheating on her, I love her to much to cheat on her" o said

"I can't believe you said that Aaron ". Said Shawn

"Well it's true". I said

"I got a question for you"? Said Nash

"Sure", I said

"Are you sure your in love with her", said Nash


I love you too,said Destiny

You heard...

Before I could say anything else she just gave me hug and kiss.

Hello there.
My name is Shadae McCray
and I want to inform you that this will be the last chapter about Aaron and Destiny love life, but if you want more on them two, just wait, I will be writing a story about them. Deuce and Smooches

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