Chapter 17

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Taylor and Alyssa's babies in the photo.



After months of mood swings and cravings I was finally going into labor  and it's very painful. I was in labor for 5 hours. I gave birth to twins, a boy and a girl on June 9 . Taylor said What should we the boy. I said "Tanner Marcus Caniff . I love it Taylor said, Taylor do you want to name the girl? Yes, I've been working this name ever since you were pregnant, Ariana Jacqueline Caniff. I love it Taylor. I knew you would She has your initials. 



I finally got to bring 3 bundles of joy home with me. It was the first time the babies seen the house. As we walked in their faces just light up. Tanner has my eyes and Alyssa's smile, hair and nose , while Arianna has Alyssa's eye's Smile and cheek bones but she barely has hair so im guessing she gonna have my hair.

Alyssa put them in their cribs and sat in the rocking chairs just in case they needed something. I came in the room and sat right next to her and said "I can't believe that we are finally parents". She smiled and then I realized the babies were sleeping so I turned the baby monitors and  me and Alyssa left their room and let them sleep. Alyssa and I went downstairs and decided to watch a movie. I got the popcorn and she picked a movie. We ended up watching The Fault In Our Stars. alyssa was crying throughout the whole movie but i couldn't blame her because the movie was sad. As the credits started rolling down the screen, I glance over to see my beautiful wife sleep. I picked her up bridal style and put her in our bed and put the blanket on her and gave her a kiss on the forehead, Then I heard the twins crying. They were sleep for like 7 hours. So I went into there room and carefully picked up Arianna and gave her a bottle and did the same with Tanner. I had them both in my arms and rocked them back to sleep. 


Taylor and I were watching "TFIOS" and sleep was taking over me so bad, so I closed my eyes. I know Taylor had brought me upstairs because I felt him pick me up and take me upstairs to our room. I was sleep for about 45 minutes, then i realized that Taylor wasn't in bed with me. So I got out of  bed and and went into the twins room only to see Taylor holding them both. It was so heartwarming to me and then he said to them "Without my children, tomorrow wouldn't be worth the wait and yesterday wouldn't be worth remembering, I love you Tanner and Arianna. Then I started crying, I guess he heard me because he turned around and started to smile, then he said 

T- "How much did you hear"? he said    

 A- Only all of it. Taylor Thank You, I said 

T- For what?

A- For being the best father in the world

T- I wouldn't be a father if it wasn't for you, I love you Alyssa 

A- I love you too

With that said I kissed him and I kissed the twins and went back to sleep.

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