Chapter 18

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The twins are so peaceful. They are never fussy and they are just perfect. Tanner and Ariana are now 3 months old and they are just the sweetest thing. Taylor and I were watching a tv show and I had the baby monitor and I heard Tanner and Ariana were have a little baby chat. I look at Taylor and gave him the monitor and Taylor had the most beautiful smile on his face. We both went up stairs to see what they are doing. As we walk in they look at me and Taylor, and started to smile

T- Taylor A-Alyssa

T-Tanner you have mommy's smile.

A- Ariana, you have daddy's eyes

Me and Taylor took the twins out the crib and took them down stairs and started playing with them. Ariana was playing with Taylor and I was playing with Tanner. I saw Taylor do the cutest thing ever to Ariana. He rubs her nose and his nose together. Tanner and I was playing peek a boo and every-time I said peek a boo, he
would fall out and start laughing. I swear he has Taylor's laugh. As we were playing Ariana and Tanner started to get sleepy. I put them in their cribs and me and Taylor did the same.


LOVE- Shadae McCray

Sorry for the short chapter, I didn't have any Ideas. Please Comment Some ideas it would be a lot of help
Thank You❤❤❤❤❤❤

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