Chapter 14 Happy Anniversary

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Today is a very important day for me and the love my life Alyssa. I love her with all of my heart, I don't know what I would do without her. She has made me the man a I am today. I hope she stays with me till death do us part. After college I plan on marrying Alyssa and having kids with her. I want to spend the rest of my life with her. She is the most beautiful girl I have ever met and I love her so much. Feelings can't even describe how I feel about her.


So today is my 1 year anniversary with Taylor and I just want him to know that I love him with all of my heart and I plan on living the rest of my life with him. Taylor is the best thing that ever happen to me. i was all in my thoughts when my phone had ringed. I got a message from Taylor, it reads, "Hey babe, I can't wait until tonight, I want you to wear something pretty and i'll be there to pick you up at 8:00. Can't wait. I love Alyssa". I had already bought my red dress. It almost 8:00, i went to the bathroom, and took a shower. After I got out the shower, I straighten my hair, Then I applied a some makeup to my face, mascara , eye liner, eye shadow, and my red lipstick. Afterwards, I put my red dress on and I decided not to wear my black flats, instead I put on my red heels. (2 inches tall ) It was finally 8:25 and then all of a sudden my doorbell rings, I open the door and then I see Taylor in a tux. Damn he looked good in a tux, i thought to myself. Then he finally said " Hey Beautiful. then I started to blush. Then he pulled out some roses and gave it to me and said, "Feliz Aniversario", I said, " Happy Anniversary to you too Taylor and I kissed him and then he walked me to his car and open the door for me and we drove away.



Alyssa looks so beautiful tonight. We pulled up to the restaurant. This restaurant has a dance floor and i'm just hoping that we could get at least one dance in before we leave. We walked in and we got our table and ordered after we ate, Alyssa heard a specific song come on and she quickly pulled me to the dance floor. It was a slow song called "Fill Me In " by Pia Mia and Austin Mahone. Then as we started to dance, I place my hands around her waist, then she put her arms around my neck and we moved in closer and started dancing and I hear Alyssa singing the words to the song. Saying why were you creeping around late last night,Why did I see two shadows moving in your bedroom light.Now you're dressed in black, when I left you dressed in white. Can you fill me in?. She sound so great when she sang.


My song had just ended and me and Taylor we done with our meal and we both paid for it. After that, we drove home but Taylor told me that he wanted to go walking. We walked for about 10 mins talking about how we love each other. We finally stopped at this beautiful pond with lights and everything and when I was staring at everything, Taylor got down on one knee and proposed. he said " Alyssa Jane Calhoun, Will you make me the happiest man on Earth by marrying me. YesTaylor, I said as he put the ring on my finger on a planted a kiss on his soft lip. This has been the best anniversary ever.

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