Chapter 19

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The babies were feeling awfully sick. I tried my best to make sure they were feeling better but it's no us, I wish Taylor was here with me right now. Taylor is at Sunsation for the 2 weeks and I just need him here the most. I love and miss my hubby and I just wish he was here to help with the babies. I have had countless hours of sleep because the babies kept crying and waking me up. I thought to myself, "Where the hell is Taylor when I need him". I went to their room and got them to be quite and sleep. They slept for the rest of the night and then round 4:26 am they start crying again. and then like 4 seconds later they were quite. I got out of bed to see if somebody wasn't in there trying to steal my babies. I crack the door open to see Taylor holding them both. I thought to myself "When in the hell did he get home". I went back to my room and got my phone and decided to text Taylor.

A- Hey

T- Hi baby

A- What you doing

T- On the tour bus with the guys.

A- Is everyone sleep

T- Yeah

A- I wish you were home.

T- Me too?


T- Don't cry baby


T- What's so funny

A- I know your in the twins room

T- Oh really. I'll be in the bed in 5 minutes

A- Okay, I love you Taylor

T- I love you too Alyssa

In 5 minutes my door was open and appeared my man. He took off his shirt and pants and put on some basketball short and got in the bed with me.

T- Hi Love

A- Hey sweetie

T- Can I tell you something

A- Sure

T- Friday December 15, 2014. That's the day you came to Sunsation and you sung on stage with me. I thought to myself "Man, I have got to get this girl number. I walked up to you and asked you what your name was and I also asked for your number and you said you had a boyfriend but you still gave me the number. I'm happy you gave me that number because I wouldn't be laying in this bed, or be your husband or the farther of our kids if it wasn't for that number. Alyssa I love you and I don't want to take you for granted ever

A- Oh my gosh, you remembered all of that. I love you too Taylor. I'm glad a gave you my number to.

Then Taylor gave me a kiss, on the lips. Do you know how long I've wanted to do that ever since he left for Sunsation. I glad I have all my babies home with me.

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