Chapter 12

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Alyass's POV

Today is Monday and I didn't feel like going to school so I just stayed home and I turn my phone off so nobody would call me, and just as soon as I turn it back on, I am gonna have a bunch of notifications. So i stayed home today. I had nothing to do, so I just went downstairs and got some cereal and went in the living room and started watching Austin and Ally. I had been watching t.v. until 3:00. So I went back upstairs and turned my phone back on. After I turn my phone on, I had 10 messages, 14 missed calls, and 4 voicemails. All of them were from Taylor.  I thought to myself, "Awwe my baby cares about me".  Then after a full day of doing nothing, I just decided to get take a shower. After I got out, I put on some black tights and  my Carter Reynold shirt on and my red jordans . I looked in the mirror and as if on cue, the doorbell rang. I went to the door and there was little boy at my door. He had blonde hair, and brown eyes. The little boy look like he was 5 or 6 years old.  The little boy finally spoke. 

"Hello, he said

"Well hello there, and what is your name"? I asked.

"My name is Tristen". He said

"Well, my name is....

"Alyssa, I know who you are".

"How", I said in confusion

"Because, My brother is your boyfriend and he talks about you all the time".

"Whoa wait,  Taylor Michael Caniff is your brother?" 


"Well isn't that weird".

"What?"  He said

"You and him look just alike."

"I get that a lot"

"But anyways, thank you for time, I should be going now". he said

I can't believe that Taylor has a brother and didn't tell md me about it. But I didn't tell him I had a brother either. So I guess we are even. I'll have to introduce my brother to both of them.

Sorry about the short chapter but I WILL be updated a lot more now.
Duece and Smooches

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