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Authors Note:
Aimee Beauchamp along with any kiddies belong to Carolineeexx

Mia was frantic as she ran around the ED looking for Poppy. She walked over to Rita. "I swear to god. Your ex-husband lays even a hand on my daughter and your life won't be worth living," she spat.


Mia nodded. "You're sick perverted husband has taken my daughter. She's not in the crèche. So anything happens to her, you're dead. That's a promise. Not a threat," she said as she walked off.

Iain ran over to her. "Babe. Have you found her?" He asked.

Mia shook her head and felt the tears slip down her cheeks. "Iain. What if something has happened to her? What if that pervert has hurt her?" She sobbed.

Iain held her close. He saw Mark walking towards the ED. He walked over and pinned him against a wall. "Where is she?" He asked.

"Where's who?"

"My daughter! My sweet innocent daughter. If you've laid a hand on her, I will end your miserable existence. Where is she?!" Iain yelled.

Security ran over and dragged Iain off of Mark. Mia was standing there in silence. Duffy walked over to her and held her close. "We'll find her. I promise you."


The whole ED was on lockdown. No one was allowed to leave until they had found Poppy. Mia held Daisy close to her. Duffy sat with her. "They will find her."

"What if she's not even around here? What if whoever has her, left with her. I might not see her again," Mia sobbed.

Duffy held her close. She sighed. Robyn walked over and took Daisy. Iain walked in. "Babe I'm sorry."

Mia ran to him and he held her. She sobbed into him. The police walked in. "We've found your daughter's coat. It seems to have been dumped in the woodland. We're checking the woods now."

Mia fell to the floor. Iain felt the tears pouring down his cheeks. "What are the chances of finding her alive?" He asked.

"As we're in the crucial 24 hour period, I can't really say. But we have officers stopping all means of transport from the docks and airports," the detective said.


Iain looked up as Aimee walked in. She walked over to Mia and held her close. "Hey babes. We're going to find her. I know we are," Aimee said.

Mia sobbed into her. Iain hated seeing her crying. He walked out and punched the wall. "Hey. Calm down," Charlie said.

Iain looked at him. "My little girl is out there right now. She's not with me and Mia. She's probably terrified and crying for us. So forgive me if I don't care about the precious hospital walls."

Charlie saw how Iain was lashing out. He sighed and looked at him. "I know how you must be feeling. But the police are the best at what they do. They'll find Poppy. They'll bring her home to you."


It was seven hours later. The police walked into the staffroom where Mia was. "Miss Turner? We've found your daughter. She has a few cuts and bruises. But she appears to be okay."

"D-Do you know if she was touched? Like down there?" Mia asked.

"She's coming here now. The doctors will have to check her over. But when she was found, she was fully clothed," the officer said.

Iain took her hand and sighed. "She's back. No matter what happened, she's back."


Duffy and Connie were the ones who were looking after Poppy. Aimee had taken Daisy with her for the night. Mia and Iain were sitting outside.

Connie walked out and looked at them. "There's no signs of sexual assault. We were thorough. She's asleep now. But you can go and sit with her," she told them.

The both of them walked into Poppy's room. Their little girl was fast asleep on the bed. Mia looked at her. "Look at her. Someone hurt her and they're not getting away with this."

Iain nodded and held her close. Someone had hurt their daughter. But who?

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