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Mia and Iain refused to leave Poppy's side. They couldn't. They didn't want to lose their daughter. She meant so much to them.

Mia cuddled into Iain. He held her tightly. "We're not losing her. I'm not allowing that to happen," she said.

Iain nodded and kissed her. "Course we're not going to lose our princess. She's staying with us for good."

Mia smiled. "Good. Cause we can't lose her."

Mia went to get some coffee. She saw Cal. "How's Poppy?" He asked.

"She's...getting there. Still a long way to go but she's survived so far," Mia said.

"Well we're all hoping she recovers."


Cal walked off. Mia sighed and got her coffee. She often thought about her life if she had gotten with Cal but she knew she loved Iain.

Iain held Poppy's hand through her incubator. "Listen here kiddo. Daddy is a bit silly so he will need a lot of help looking after you with mummy but providing you live and you don't trip me up over your dolls and don't get any boyfriends then we'll be all good," he said.

"Not allowed a boyfriend?" Mia asked.

Iain smirked. "I'm the only guy in her life. She can't have a boyfriend. No one is hurting her ever."

"Aw babe. She loves you so much."

Two months later.

Poppy had fully recovered and she was back home with her parents. Although she was only five months old, she was quite cheeky.

Iain woke that morning and groaned. He saw Mia sitting up in bed with Poppy. "How's me princess?" He asked.

"She vommed on you this morning while you were sleeping," Mia said as she tickled Poppy's chin.

Iain groaned. "Listen kid, you're supposed to be daddy's princes. Not throwing up on him. You're meant to throw up on mummy."

Iain and Mia had the day off. They were taking Poppy out for the day. Poppy was babbling away in her bouncer while Iain made breakfast. "Babe, do you want bacon?" Iain called.



"Course I do you hunky man. I love bacon," Mia replied as she came out the bedroom in her skinny jeans.

Iain smirked. "I swear babe. If our baby girl weren't here, I'd do you on that sofa."

Mia grinned and kissed him. "We've got tonight."

When they were ready, they left the house. Poppy slept in her car seat in the back. "We should take her into the ED. I think people wanna see her," Mia said.

Iain nodded. They had kept Poppy away from the ED until she was fully better.

Before they went to the ED they were going to take their daughter to the park for an hour. "I'd love a little boy," Iain said.

Mia grinned. "Me too. Then we would have our boy and girl."

They walked around the park. Mia took Poppy onto the swings. Iain took photos of them. He made one his screensaver. "Poppy, shall we let daddy sit on the swing with you?"

Iain scoffed. "No thanks."

Iain reluctantly went on the swings with Poppy. Poppy babbled her little head off. "She's amazing."

"Yeah she is. She's still tiny though."

"Leave my little princess," Iain said as he strapped Poppy into the pushchair. "We taking her to see people?"

Mia nodded.

They went to the ED. Iain got the car seat and smiled. "She's so lovely and snuggly," he said.

Jez walked out. "Iain, you don't wanna go in there."

"What? Why?"

Jez didn't look at him. "Rita's back..."

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